$80 Misaki



5 years, 8 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$80 - $100


10115005_HybRFoDxRRhWzd1.pngName: Misaki     Age: -     Birthday: September 19th    Gender: Female     Species: Wild Cat9822212_i9akk2XBqBGsNEN.png

Info: (Name meaning; High-ranked devine spirit)

She loves to hunt and is a big fan of startling and scaring others.

She is a daredevil and will do nearly any dare thrown at her.

She is very mysterious and doesn't talk about herself much.

She loves chewing on bones and eating birds and sushi.

When she's bored she'll usually just take a nap or watch birds.

She's very good at keeping secrets, and can be a big cocky from time to time.

She also tends to have a bit of an 'attitude' if she's in a bad mood.

She tries her best to look sexy and keep her body in shape.

Anatomy: SHE HAS DIGIGRADE (Animal) LEGS! Tail is very big and fluffy.

If you only draw four toe beans, exclude the orange one in the rainbow

Skull on head is only markings, not an actual skull! Scar over eye is an actual scar.

Has very sharp claws. Rib bones pattern continue to her back with a line of spine

bones going down her back all the way down her tail. spots on shoulders and thighs.

Character value:

All together: $106