


5 years, 7 months ago


☠ Name: Cordae Manson

☠ Gender: Male

☠ Species: Harpy(Carrion Crow)

☠ Age: 24
☠ Sexuality: 

☠ Occupation: Drug Dealer

☠ Typecast: Goth / Delinquent

☠ Club: N/A

☠ Clique: Metalheads

☠ Desires: To be in a kickass band and to buy the sickest Harley in existence

☠ Personality: 

(+) Self-reliant, loyal, playful, protective

(-) Brash, unforgiving, destructive, daft

☠ Biography:  Cordae is the son of a high end prostitute from Legius. His father wasn't present which motivated him a bit more to help with income when needed. This meant robberies, drug dealing, and extortion during his teen years. He's always had a fondness with metal music and didn't expand much on it besides guitar practice. This was until he met Jeri who appeared to share the same passion. They hit it off pretty well and became friends, making songs in their past time while Cordae made sure his household kept up with all the other wealthy fucks in Legius.

His mom found a new partner which made him less than enthusiastic to stay at home anymore. Not that it was a bad thing but the woman needs her privacy now. After Jeri told them they were getting the fuck out of town and he happily went along with her.

Likes dislikes

(+) Thrash metal, Adult Swim cartoons, motorcycles, arrogance, leather, flesh

(-) Weakness, prudence, needy people, posers, pastel colors, shitty mosh pits

-6'3. 6'5 with heels

-His red markings are permanent, the tattoo under his eye is well, a tattoo. Two crosses

-Best friend and roommate, Jeri

-He's a slow reader

-Diet consist mostly of decayed flesh(by choice ofc). He picks up roadkill and takes it back to the Harpy Hideout.

-Says whore, bitch, and fuck a lot. Colorful vocab I know

-Drinks from a chalice when he's at home. It's nice and bejeweled

-Theme: Deathnote - Lil Wop

-Voice headcanon: ^ but less scratchy