Willow's Ownership Log

17 May 2024, 4:43:38 pm Transferred to Snoopawoo
Here you go
17 May 2024, 4:18:17 pm Transferred to partybug98
31 Mar 2024, 6:50:28 am Transferred to puppytism
8 Feb 2024, 4:41:31 am Transferred to -BlossomingArctic-
5 Feb 2024, 3:59:30 pm Transferred to sealz
6 Oct 2023, 10:52:46 am Transferred to imp_bonez
31 Oct 2022, 10:06:39 am Transferred to ionightarts
for sugar stars
11 Oct 2018, 10:55:13 am Assigned design creator role to HushPuppii
Initial character creation
10 Oct 2018, 5:37:20 pm Character created by Spaceboy