tamura kaneko



5 years, 7 months ago


kaneko tamura ☆ he/him ☆ 18 ☆ libra

sick feeling - boy pablo

personality: meet tamura, a care-free and funny cellist. he is a very mysterious person and has a smile that can draw almost anyone in. he’s very down-to-earth and chill, and these traits make it easy for him to make friends. he is very straightforward, and hates when people sugarcoat things. though because of this "laid back" reputation, tamura feels like he can't take things seriously. he loves to make people laugh, but sometimes he just gets tired from it. 

backstory: tamura was born in tokyo, japan on october 13th. his parents are japanese. him and his family moved to america when tamura was 10, because his parents were seeking for better jobs. tamura learned english fairly quickly. his parents were very strict with him and his grades, so tamura learned to always do his best and he is very intelligent. there was a lot of things him and his family didn't understand about american culture upon arrival, but tamura adjusted quickly and teaches his parents a lot. he started playing the cello when he was 6, and he met his best friend finn at a music studio when he was 10. finn was very shy towards him at first, but the more he opened up, the more tamura started to like him. they used to hang out at finn’s house a lot, and they liked to pick flowers and catch frogs. nowadays they like to write songs about stupid topics for fun and go swimming in the lake by finn’s house. tamura enjoys music a lot, and loves making joke music. he is very funny, and a lot of people enjoy the joke songs he makes with finn. they want to establish a real music career someday, but for now they just like to make eachother laugh with their dumb songs about dumb things.. finn writes most of the music and tamura writes most of the lyrics.


-tamura is 6 feet tall.

-tamura goes by his last name, since its what he's used to from living in japan.

- he is a very talented singer! but he only really sings in private. he feels like he's only allowed to sing as a joke, and he never takes himself seriously about it. he likes singing with finn though.

- tamura will sit in the bath for hours. he literally won't get out until the water gets cold, or someone makes him. he loves taking baths? its very peaceful to him, and he values the time by himself. 

- tamura has..... a lot of money. his parents both have very well paying jobs. tamura however does not have a job (his parents are fine with it as long as he’s focusing on school and music). tamura spends most of his money on clothes for himself and finn. his parents even got him a rolex for his birthday. rich ass bitchboy

- he is incredibly vulgar, though he knows when and when not to act this way. his manners and outward appearance are maintained incredibly well. when he’s with friends or on the internet however, oh god. he’ll say whatever the fuck he wants and has no filter. tamura acknowledges the fact that saying certain things are very wrong, but will anyway. he usually means no harm and these things are said with the intent to entertain and joke. ......don’t tell his parents

design notices:

-he has only his left ear pierced, and his glasses are oval shaped.

-hes a bit chubby!!! his face is round. if you ever draw him shirtless for some reason, don’t forget he has a lil tummy.

-eye bags are optional tbh. feel free to add them if you think they suit him but they aren’t a necessity. 

-tamura’s closet!