


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Species of Digimon:









Nature Spirits


Tiny Twister, Blazing Ice


Friendly, caring, cheerful


WIP (Re-working this a little bit when I can be bothered, to work out plot holes and contradictions with other characters)

Alchemy came from a small village inhabited by Lopmon and Terriermon. She worked as the village doctor and spent her free time making medicines from materials she'd go out and gather which earned her the nickname "Alchemy", other than that she was just a pretty average Lopmon. 

One day an unknown, different - evil - Digimon appeared in the digital word, it was a Digimon that was the result of a human made virus program that went walk about. This Digimon was different, its digital make up was like nothing any other Digimon had ever encountered. It started terrorising Digimon across the Digital World, slowly getting stronger and stronger to the point no one could face it. It's power and ability prevented Digimon digivolving and caused Digimon to revert to a Rookie form.

 One of the god-like Digimon came down with a possible answer, an anti virus made by a human who wanted to help save the Digital world, the plan was for all of the Digimon gods to go down together and combine forces to use the program to stop the Digimon, however the one who looked after Nature Digimon got angry and impatient and went down on his own however he failed and was defeated. Because of his powers, he didn't revert straight away, instead he ended up in the little bunny like Digimon's village where he was approached by Alchemy who found him. 

He gave the the program to Alchemy however she didn't know how to use it - more like she didn't know. The Nature God Digimon explained it broke past the evolution locks the Digimon's power had caused (They look like green and blue bands attached to the Digimon, the evil Digimon's power creates them) and allowed them to Digivolve further, the plan was for all god Digimon to combine together in a DNA digievolution using the anti-program. The Nature God Digimon closed his eyes and suddenly changed into his In-Training form, because of his powers he reverted further back and now that he was a in-training, the plan to combine with the other wouldn't work. Alchemy asked if he wanted her to combine with them, he said no, it wasn't possible, all the Digimon that combine needed to be compatible and she'd need to find Digimon with a pure heart. She'd be able to find them eventually if she put the program near compatible Digimon, Digimon even a little compatible, they'd be able to by-pass the Digievolution locks and reach Ultimate stage. But it wouldn't be enough, they'd need to go further.

The village was then attacked by followers of the evil Digimon, in a desperate attempt, the fragment program responded with Alchemy and she Digivolved past champion, into her ultimate stage. Once she fought off the Digimon that invaded her village, she set off on a journey.

Eventually Alchemy did find Digimon to help her but she ended up not needing to combine as she broke free of her locks completely and digivolved into a divine, pure Cherubimon form, she along with all the other Digimon she has gathered lent her their power and with one mighty heart filled attack, she brought down the evil Digimon who was wiped away by the anti-program which has become a part of Alchemy. 

Once the fight was over, she reverted back to a Lopmon, however her colours had changed and she kept her fragment amour for some reason, becoming an awakened form, a Alchemy Mk. II of sorts. 

Random Facts:

  • Alchemy's Champion stage is actually a Wendigomon.
  • The anti-program is a psychical item that can be seen and held, Alchemy carries it around her neck.
  • She doesn't know how to activate or use it or anything like that, it sort of just does its own thing like assisting with digital evolution and when it happened; Taking down the final bad guy. 
  • Her mega (Cherubimon Virtue) is mis-coloured, the anti-program caused that. 
  • Digimon did lend her the power to finish the evil off but Molly ended up being the final key to help her Digivolve into her pure form in the first place.
  • Her Fragment armour for her drive evolution is the same shape as the fragment anti-program she carries around her neck
  • She has two fragment armour shapes, the second shape looks like little cherub wings, there's one hovering on each side of her head.
  • Alchemy uses female pronouns. 
  • Even though she has a pure heart, her champion form is the virus version of her Digi-evolution line.