


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




The ill-tempered gatekeeper of the Isle of Plum Blossoms, found off the coast of Toukagen, where he lives with his friend and therapist. He is also a scary messenger boy between the island and the capital's palace. A tsundere. Equal parts depressed and angry. Won't hestitate to gore you with his sharp bits. Judgemental individual who is very bad-mouthed.

"trespassers can be removed with reasonable force. this is pretty reasonable, right?"

  • Age100+
  • Gender Male
  • Height          head to tail7'5" (230cm)
  • SpeciesYOUKAI (bakuinawa)
  • Occupation gatekeeper
  • Alignment. chaotic good

yaobiku - 八百比丘 - "eight hundred year priest"   

Theme: Muramasa - Bloody Battle A | League of Legends - Akali's Theme

Yaobiku is disgruntled youkai who doesn't think before he speaks. He is irritable, generally unfriendly and would rather eat his tail than admit his feelings for anything. He dislikes when people trespass and will gladly smack you miles into the air back to shore. He also hates talking about himself and is very tight-lipped about what has happened in his past. A tsundere, he is tender towards people he likes (very few) and although his vocabulary is still crammed with insults and sarcasm, clearly cares about them. He doesn't go out of his way to help people, and is usually a bystander. He complains a lot about doing things for other people, but will still do them earnestly and diligently. Because his boss/friend cannot leave the Isle, he acts as a liason between him and the palace of Toukagen. Is surprisingly polite when he needs to be, and shows humility and modesty to the higher ups. Easily provoked, but won't attack unless he is threatened. Never makes the first move in battle... and in his romantic life. He is stubborn as a bull and has to input his opinion in everything he hears about. Sententious and highly judgemental.

Origins alluding man, Yaobiku is a cursed individual who consumed the flesh of a mermaid and gained everlasing life and the body of a sacred creature. Immortal and suffering from crippling depression, Yaobiku isolated himself within the depths of the ocean, and would have remained there if not for the Sleeping Eye. The magic-absorbing parasite latched itself onto him, and as if the gods were punishing him, pushed him to hunt to survive, activating his instincts - and compensating with the disabling of his conscience, thought process and morals.

These bursts grew overtime, and Yaobiku was steadily losing control of his own body. Hoping to find a cure, he swam east upon hearing rumors of seafolk living in its deep, murky oceans. He became a local legend as fishermen marveled his beauty, eventually being associated as a symbol of good fortune at sea. However, as the Sleeping Eye took over, he would find himself capsizing merchant and fishing boats, attacking other seafolk to feast on their flesh. When the locals had finally had enough, they called on exorcists to subdue him. The bestial Yaobiku was bombarded with sealing spells and slashes from magic imbued swords, and although he fought like a monster, eventually sank, defeated, into the depths of the sea.

His unmoving body landed in the garden of a hidden world, the home of the seafolk, the Dragon Palace at the bottom of the sea. The folk there, taking pity on Yaobiku, nursed him back to health. They directed him to a mysterious island near the eastern coast, which would only appear to those seeking it. It was a place of purification, and the man that lived there was said to be able to remove poisons of any kind from anything; whether it be a curse, or a toxin, or corruption. Yaobiku swam towards the direction he was pointed to, careful to hide away from human and youkai eyes, knowing that he was a feared creature of the ocean.

And indeed, the Isle of the Plum Blossoms appeared before him, with a man standing at the inlet's shoreline as if he had been waiting for him. He introduced himself as Ume, the sole inhabitant and guardian of the island, which he had created himself. Yaobiku refused to believed that such a fragile looking human could achieve such a feat, but one look at Ume's eyes showed wisdom far beyond the years of his appearance. Ume took him into the confines of the Isle, a breathtaking maze of everblooming plum trees, where the purification process would take place. However, Ume was unable to fully remove the influence of the Sleeping Eye, lest Yaobiku want to be killed - because the two had developed a symbiotic relationship.

But under Ume's teachings and therapy, Yaobiku could reverse many of the changes that had been made to his psyche. He serves as the gatekeeper of the Isle, chasing away anyone who gets too close to it, even if they can't see where it is. When people see red gates in the distant, they know that Yaobiku is active, and not to approach the eastern coastline.

Line between the Mundane and the Divine: The ability to create torii gates from thin air, Yaobiku erects red gates from the ocean to block off opponents or use it as a battering ram. It's possible for him to create one from under you as well, knocking you out of the water. Those who enter the red gate will find themselves in a very small pocket dimension with a permeable perimeter where the surrounding water becomes holy and pure. Water can exist the torii gate out into the real world in a tidal wave. The torii gates are temporary, and will disappear as he commands or some hours later.

- Black Torii Gate: Channeled through his Sleeping Eye, by harnessing the accumilated power gathered from eclipsed moons, black torii gates are created. Instead of leading to pure waters, highly volatile high tides are conjured instead, leading to drowning in even the most calm outside waters.

Ukiseikou (雨奇晴好): The 'Scenery with the Sun and Rain'. One of Muramasa's cursed blades that was reforged into a khakkhara. Purified by Ume so that it no longer influences its wielder.

※ uses 'ore'.
※ shy and and bashful around women, he doesn't know what to do with them. he's a bit of a softie and gives them second chances, and forgives them more easily. rescues them when they fall overboard.
※ self conscious about what he smells like.
※ yaobiku felt guilty about what he had done to the fishermen and merchants under the influence of the sleeping eye, and for a few years after his disappearance, they received small gifts of rarer sea delicacies that seemed to appear on the beach overnight. - Darkanra
※ hates if people come and dump their garbage in the sea. and be sure that if you come near him or the sea again, you can expect some revenge - he remembers faces for a long time. - shrimp-senpai