


5 years, 7 months ago


Aghavni (Sol IV) of House Hajakha

sly . keenly observant . perfectionistic . secretly self-sabotaging

Name Princess Sol IV of Solterra
Called Aghavni
Gender Female
Age 5 (year 500 fall)
Breed Marwari x
Height 14.1 hh
Build Petite, pixie-like
Orientation Bisexual
Magic Plant compulsion
Rank Day Court Emissary
Moodboard Link


  • Denoctian sweets (especially Talan's)
  • the White Scarab
  • shiny expensive trinkets that can fit in her scarf pockets
  • being invited to parties (but not neccessarily the party itself)


  • Solterra, in general
  • the Weaver
  • her family save for her father
  • being underestimated


  • huge, emerald green eyes; too large for her face, gives her a strangely starved look
  • if you look closely enough, a sun brand is imprinted in the pupil of her left eye; the royal sigil, which she was not born with (her father had instructed for the mage who altered her appearance to burn it into her eye, so that she will be branded just like a proper child of Zolin's)
  • only her branded eye glows blood red when her powers are activated; the mark is clearly visible then as a black silhouette
  • flaxen hair with long, curling bangs that are almost always in her eyes
  • hair is actually magically dyed blonde, naturally a reddish black
  • extremely delicate features like a pixie, makes her look younger than she really is
  • petite, fragile build — in stark contrast, her stance is aggressively rigid, almost daring you to approach her; chin jutted out, almost always leaning precariously against something, feigning disinterest
  • kleptomaniac; secretly adores pretty things, collects (steals) trinkets that catch her eye — mostly wearable ones — and, in the safety of her room (with the doors triple-locked and curtains yanked closed), tries them on while imagining herself as the princess or her dead mother. carefully, tenderly, she wraps her trinkets in slips of silk and stuffs them under a loose floorboard.