


5 years, 6 months ago

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Name: Ushio Murphy-Nakano
Alias: Taurus
Nickname(s): Ushi
Age: 19
DOB: April 25
Blood type:B+
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Vigilante (as Taurus), Crime goon (Civilian)
Place of Birth: Sapporo, Japan
Ethnicity: Eurasian (Mom is Irish, Dad is Japanese)

Vigilante Rank: Loner
Focused Role: Stealth
Goal: To provide financial support for the children in the orphanage he volunteers at.
Team: N/A (as vigilante), Still looking for crime gangs to join as a civilian



"Do I look like a superhero to you?! Unbelievable..."

-Taurus, when people encounter him in public

As Ushio (Mr. Cow)
Ushio is a very critical-minded person. He would often question things before he would believe it and he'll easily detect things if they are somewhat skeptical. He's naturally aloof and rarely show interest though if he does show interest he would waddle his big cow ears around. He seem to be never good at conversations as he would have tons of dead air on it.

In his negative side, he is hot-headed to the point that he'll literally ram someone if he's annoyed enough, especially when the insult is towards the people he cares about. He's very judgmental and would often have a very low opinion in anyone who have a bad first impression to him. He can be very rude at times and would often use profanity when talking casually due to his lifestyle. Ushi's also inconsiderate to certain people (mostly adults) in a way as he's the kind of person who won't help anyone in trouble when he deemed their problem as petty (e.g. when you tripped down or got your wallet stolen, or you're lost and you need instructions).

When it comes to children and people who are kind to him, he is very kind and compassionate as he is willing to commit crimes for their good. He also considers himself as independent - not relying on people for help to avoid bothering them. He's also very humble and doesn't like getting complimented over something he should be doing (getting complemented at helping others, etc).

As Taurus
He becomes a different person as his Vigilante persona though. As Taurus he is very cunning and charismatic as he would often use his charm to get out of certain confrontations - something that the real Ushio would never do. He also don't seem to give a fuck and would just be as reckless and impulsive as possible. Other than that, his hot-hotheadedness, rudeness and his neutral and good qualities remains.

Food: He's vegetarian due to his cow traits. He likes bread especially baguettes and white loaves. He also seem to like eating fruits, particularly oranges. He is also into beer and would treat himself in the bar every Saturdays.
Topics: He loves talking about the hypocrisy of heroes and villains, annoying rich people and basically shit-talking about the society.
Relationship/Preference: He prefers people who can be his emotional support, especially someone who can validate the wrong things he is doing for the sake of others.
Others: He likes to hang out in the bar during Saturdays, and would often start a conversation surprisingly when he's drunk, but he naturally likes being alone when sober. He also like collecting souvenirs, especially as Taurus where he takes figurines and books as trophies after successfully stealing from a house.
 Food: Definitely meat especially Beef. He feels nauseous eating those. He also dislikes grass and will get offended if people offer him to eat grass as an insult.
Topics: Hates talking about talking down to poor people. He also hates topics about bragging as well as about controversial topics.
People: When it comes to people's personalities, he deeply despises the Elitists who does everything to get power even to the point of hurting the weak. He also seem to be judgmental to rich people as he would often regard them as evil and selfish.
 Pet Peeves: Getting his tail touched. Even if it wasn't on purpose, he'll immediately get mad and will demand you to apologize to him. He also hates it when getting touched in the ear as well as being teased for having cow features.
 Others: He hates fighting in close combat. He also dislikes getting chased, so he avoids the cops as much as possible and would immediately say no if asked to a race.

Early Life
Ushio was born as an orphan in Sapporo, though he is aware that his father is a convict who is hiding from the authorities and his mother is an illegal alien (foreigner who illegally entered Japan) and is currently a hooker in a certain club, though he never actually met them personally.

Unfortunately at the age of 10, the orphanage was bankrupted  and was forced to downsize. Some of the orphans, including him, were moved to a new orphanage in Kabukicho but it turned out to be a child syndicate that uses children to solicit money. They were all promised to be set free once they reach the age 18 but while they are young they have to earn a certain amount of money to eat three meals a day. Ushi saw his friends transform from good kids into child delinquents and unfortunately for him, he also became one of them. He started doing crimes, utilizing his quirk to commit such acts despite all the lectures he got from his favorite volunteer worker before and his promise to be a good kid.

Coming of Age
When Ushi turned 18, he was finally set free from the syndicate. He started living alone while still doing criminal acts in secret, as the streets are starting to get filled with violence around Kabukicho. A few months later, he found himself getting involved in a fight, and eventually they all got caught by Sister Safe, who told them that they'll either stop or she'll send them all to prison. Ushio picked the latter, telling her that it would be better for him to be in jail than to continue living in Kabukicho, though she retaliated him that his reason implies that he's a good person living in a terrible place. He eventually convinces her though, and he got sentenced for a week. After his release, he found out that he became one of the beneficiaries of a certain foundation and was given a new home in Sapporo, and he also received a letter from Sister Safe with the words "Do good to others". He eventually concluded that Sister Safe is a kind person and he wanted to be like her, but in his own way.

After becoming a benefactor, Ushio became determined to change his ways, though not in the same way Sister Safe thought he would. He decided to contact a tailor specialized in making clothes that works with quirks and asked for a stealth suit, which he will be using as a costume. He took the name "Taurus" and started his new life as a Vigilante who does crimes for a cause. He made his first crime of stealing money from a mansion and decided to donate the money to the orphanage in Sapporo in secret. The next few days were spent sabotaging his old crooked orphanage in Kabukicho to save the children there and send them all to his former orphanage. He eventually made it his mission to put down crime syndicates in Japan and to provide for the needing, hoping that his advocacy would spark something.

Currently, Ushio moved to Mustafu city to continue his advocacy. He plans to make his civilian identity as a criminal in order to be a double-agent and eventually eliminate the crime lords in the city, though he doesn't plan to do this overnight. He eventually found out that Sister Safe is also in the city which gave him more troubles to think about.


"Have you heard of a phasing cow???"

-Taurus when people asks about his quirk

Quirk name: Permeation
The user is able to phase through physical matter.
🔸 He can decide what part of his body can phase through
🔸 If he activates his quirk to his entire body , his clothes will drop off as well as anything that's not a part of his body (hence he wears a suit that's made of his hair)
🔸 If he deactivates his quirk in the middle of permeating a solid object, he will be instantly repelled to the surface until he lands in another solid object.
🔸 more info about his quirk can be found 
Quirk type: Emitter
Primary Role: DPS
Secondary Role: Tank

Quirk Drawbacks
🔸 His quirk doesn't extend to living things.
🔸 His quirk doesn't extend to objects as well.
🔸 If he deactivates his quirk while on a solid object, there's a strong amount of force to push him back, meaning if he returns to the surface after rejection and the surface has another object above him, he will hit it hard and may hurt himself.
🔸 Additionally, when he gets rejected, he is considered as a projectile due to the trajectory made from his ejection from the solid object, making quirks like This Way effective against him.



Power - 3/5

Speed - 3/5

Technique - 5/5

Intelligence - 5/5

Cooperativeness -3/5

🔸 Reading - He is very fond of books and novels, especially romance novels about a rich woman leaving everything behind for her love and living happily ever after with her man though he doesn't want the same to happen to whoever might be his lover.
🔸 Relaxing - Does this while reading. Also the hobby that best describes him as a civilian.
🔸 Volunteer Works - In his civilian identity, he likes helping out people and volunteering on his free time.
🔸 Baking - Ushio's apartment has a filthy oven that he uses in his spare time when he feels like baking, though he's never good at it. He never baked for anyone though.

🔸 Stealth Suit - Wears it as Taurus. It has the ability to permeate to walls as it's also made of his own hair for his permeation quirk.
🔸 Gun - Only brings when he's in civilian identity and when he's in a mission to sabotage a crime syndicate.
🔸 Empty bag - Similar materials were used to make this bag. Brings this just in case he needs a container, though this bag does not allow objects inside it to permeate.
🔸 Handkerchief - Originally owned by his caretaker in the orphanage. Just a reminder of who he used to be.


🔸 Good Quirk Control - He has mastered his quirk at a young age that he can easily pass through everything without getting caught.
🔸 Tactical Strategist - He's good at making plans and thinking quick into getting away into certain situations, though most of the time he focus on escape plans rather than attack plans.
🔸 Positive Bovine Traits - Because of his bull traits, he can identify things through his nose for as far as 6 miles away. He can also use his horns effectively to ram someone. He however does not have a cow's panoramic view but instead he has colorblindness towards green and red (explained in the weakness)

🔸 Informal combat skills & Quirk-dependent. He can put up with a street fight or when he comes with a well-made plan, but that doesn't guarantee his success in fighting. He would often need to rely on using his quirk to fight, which will put him in a disadvantage in case his quirk would put him in a disadvantage.
🔸 Hotheadedness and Recklessness. While he shows excellent skills as a tactician, when people gets into his emotions (see dislikes) he lose all his composure. Utilized by the enemy properly, they can immediately win against him.
🔸 Negative Bovine Traits - Some of his bovine traits can be used against him, such as his sensitive tail (which is sensitive to all cows and is actually part of his spine) and he's technically colorblind to red and green as bulls are technically colorblind to them.
🔸 His entire name is a name-play, -no in Nakano being "field" and Ushi in Ushio being "Cow". (idk something like Cow in the Middle Field thingy)
🔸 Always wears a stealth suit beneath his clothes. This suite is made with a special fiber derived from his hair so it also helps him permeate. He never leaves his house without them. He had it custom-made for the sake of his vigilante work.
🔸 Ushio have this feeling of the rich's entitlement of helping people. He believes that if you have enough money to indulge yourself in luxury you should also have enough to give to the poor.
🔶 Taurus' official schedule is night time. You can't force him to come out at midday.
🔸 He inherited his quirk from his father, while his mother has a Cow Quirk. Additionally, it's his mother who have the cow traits which is based from an Irish Dexter Cattle as a reference to where she came from.
🔸 Can't hide his tail since he doesn't feel comfortable when he puts it underneath his clothes.
🔸 He's a vegetarian (actually a herbivore) See likes for details
🔸 He's an agnostic
🔸 Has a shelf filled with stolen figurines and stolen books
🔸 Feel free to draw him as cameos in your drawings!

Timezone: GMT+8:00
Method: Discord
Format: Paragraphs, though I tend do to a headcanon-ish thing before starting the RP (Scenarios and Ending)
Rating: Light-hearted, some R-18 is ok (pls ask),

Creator's Notes:

  • He's supposed to be a demon but welp, I decided to make him a cow and researched a lot of stuffs about cows and lo and behold he is born lmaoooo
  • This kid made me research about poverty in Japan and I'm surprised of what I've seen (and I thought I live in a poor country oof)
  • He's Adorabull™

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