Main Character's Ownership Log

2 Jan 2022, 10:19:43 am Transferred to ikkyoutan
13 Oct 2021, 12:03:20 am Transferred to FloofBean
15 Mar 2021, 5:21:37 am Assigned design creator role to EIfen
4 Apr 2019, 8:54:04 am Transferred to Mom_Gloss
I know you've been really wanting this character so!!!! Here ya go <3 I'm super excited to see what you do with them too!!! I wuv you friendo!!!!!!! Also, The creator said this character can not be re-sold only traded!!
28 Dec 2018, 4:01:43 pm Assigned design creator role to Elfen
Initial character creation
28 Dec 2018, 3:56:24 pm Character created by BunnyDoll