★☆Codie Emery☆★





Codie Emery


He has no idea how old he is physically, mentally Codie is somewhere in his late twenties, early thirties. 


Male (He/him)


  Homoromantic Grey-Sexual 


Codie's body primarily consists of many materials; types of metals and rubber in places that are needed. Places like his upper and lower torso, legs, and arms, are made of a smooth, shiny, hard metal. Areas like elbows, armpits, wrists, waist, fingers, and his neck are made of bendable rubber. Said areas are also the only places he can actually feel things, the hard metal parts being numb to feeling in general. 

On an older version of Codie, (not his CURRENT design,) Codie's fingers were oddly shaped, as he only had his thumb and index as his only separate fingers, the middle, ring, and pinky fingers are combined together. Codie simply built himself this way, as he didn't have enough material at the time to build himself three entirely separate fingers. Now, having the materials to fix this- he has all proper appendages. 

His eyes are much like tv screens, as when he glitches there is a possibility they may flicker, change colour- and even change shape. His pupils are by default a purple colour, and often change shape depending on mood- sometimes hearts when he's feeling lovey-dovey, stars when he's in awe/amazed by something, but they glitch out and can't hold shape when he's very sad- this is his version of crying.  

There is a hatch on the front of Codie's chest, to which he uses to easily access his insides to promptly fix himself if needed. 




| •Oblivious | •Excitable | •Passionate | •Workaholic | •Nervous | •Curious | •Lacks Empathy, accidentally Insensitive | •Sarcastic | •Pessimistic |

Codie as a whole is very nervous, and is quick to doubt himself in situations. He can be so sure he's got something right- but will nervously add a "but I could be wrong, of course.." and things of that nature very often. He tries to think openly, always considering all other options in situations- even ones that he knows are highly unlikely, he keeps in mind, because you never know, right? Though when in his field, Codie's nearly entirely different. Socially and personally, Codie's a shy toaster, unknowing what to say or do as he doesn't relate well to others, and lacks a good sense of empathy. But when in his element- Codie's in the zone. He's very proud of his work in Prometheus Robotics, and as a department head in charge of the assembling and constructing robots, he takes his work very seriously. He takes form of an informative and knowledgeable leader, able to get people under him to perform and function well as a group, getting whatever orders done for Prometheus before the deadline. He's an extremely hard worker, finding great joy in a successful build. 

Of course, being a man of science, he's incredibly, immensely curious. So much so, that he'll often get hurt for the sake of figuring something out, or making some kind of discovery. He's so incredibly passionate, that he'll ramble and go on and ON about what fascinating things he's building or interesting troubles he's come across while constructing something at work- it's his whole life! He absolutely loves building things. Be it robots, or random contraptions without meaning beyond wanting to build something different- he'll build anything! He'll sometimes catch himself having these long rambles, and will awkwardly and quickly find some way to end his rant, for the sake of whoever's listening. 

The absolute best around when it comes to building robots with unimaginable speed and imagination, an all around good leader and a good guy, wanting to do right by everyone- but most importantly, Prometheus- his boss, and his inspiration. Sometimes he can be a little too prideful or spiteful to others- but often when he's told of what he's doing, he'll slow down or stop, as he doesn't realize his impact upon others half the time. Outside of work- a very shy and easily startled man, who has a big heart for the love of his life- Jonas Emery, his husband. 

Codie's got a very noticeable tick that he does- adjusting his glasses. He does this when he's saying something as-matter-of-factly, or when he's shy, nervous, or guilty of something.  


Codie started out as a mere discarded toaster in a garbage dump. Despite the odds (and for some, strange reason), Codie was a sentient toaster. With built in arms? With his memory fractured and not being capable of fully understanding his situation or his surroundings- he was simply fueled by one driving force; to build. And build he did, eventually- using the solar panels on his body, he would crawl around the garbage dump in look for parts, for anything- to build himself a body. Over the years- about a decade- he was finally able to build himself something functional. It was rough, but it worked- and from there Codie was able to build himself a body much more substantial. 

He moved on to live next to the dump in an old house, using junk from the dump to repair and sell for cheap. Amazingly enough, Codie was IMMENSELY talented, able to whip something together with barely anything- he was an absolute genius. Codie passed the time by doing this, building, and doing nothing else. His personality started to take form when he had to interact with others, venturing out into the nearby city to fix older people's broken ancient radios and fridges and VCRs, and other such things. Being a general handyman got him money, enough for him to afford nice clothing. This was his life for quite some time- until he came across Jonas, the recently infamous department head from Prometheus Robotics- the world leading company for building robots- that he had fallen into a giant shredder- but survived, against all odds. Codie felt as though he was being blessed by a celebrity. 

Jonas, despite Codie's trash dump of a house, kept coming back to visit, which would prompt Codie to clean his weird old house, and do some reading on human behavior. Codie knew basics, but he really didn't wanna mess up for Jonas. Codie was awkward, and incredibly nervous- but Jonas was cute and sweet, very knowledgeable and the two would talk about their work, both sharing the love for building things. Naturally, over time, the two slowly became closer- leading Codie to become an interest in Prometheus' eye as a potential builder within HQ itself as Jonas kept mentioning his skill at work. 

Since their first meeting, and through several ups and downs through the years- Codie managed to be hired into PR, rising in the ranks to eventually become the man he is today- one of Prometheus' closest trusted employees, and as head of the whole entire building department. He married Jonas, of course, and the two built themselves children- Sam, and Casey. He lives as a perfectly happy man, extremely content with how his life turned out, and feeling incredibly lucky, too.


  • Codie's glasses do not have handles, rather they stick to his nose using small magnets! The glasses can come off, of course. 
  • Glitching is very common for Codie, so in case he comes across a fatal error, Codie always updates a version of himself on a computer he has at home, so he always has a backup Codie to go to if all else fails. 
  • Codie is bad at reading peoples emotions, and in general lacks a good sense of empathy. Emotions he struggles with most tend to be sadness, anger, and happiness. Codie's one good actor though, due to past experiences, he guesses how he should properly react to a situation. He always means well, and he does care for others, he simply can't relate very well. 
  • Has a cat named Kitty! A plump tabby cat that's about 7 years old, or at least Codie thinks so. 
  • A father of two robot children he and Jonas built themselves- Sam, and Casey. Sam being the older sibling, and Casey the younger one. 
  • Codie can dream! He's experimenting with the concept of robots being able to dream; with himself being the test subject. He has very unique dreams as a result.
  • Despite all the technology in his hands giving him the ability to build himself the best possible body- he's perfectly happy with his older, more boxy and retro looking self. 
  • Everyone in Prometheus Robotics knows how gay Codie is for his husband, Jonas. The two constantly fawn over each other every day, at home OR work. They're basically inseparable when left in the same room.
  • His usual attire is often sweater vests, button up shirts/dress shirts, bowties, ties, and his lab coat on top. When at home, he sometimes wears big puffy pastel coloured sweaters.
  • His birthday is March 31st! He chose this day specifically because it's the day he completed building himself a new body, and left his old little toaster body behind him. :D He feels it was the start of him truly becoming.. Himself!
