Starla 🌷's Comments

Hhhhh she's so pretty ;w; 

I figured I'd ask if you're interested in art since she's up for trade 👉👈

Here's my examples feel free ask for whatever kind of art you want if you're interested! :3c

Aw yikes, I'm mostly looking for swaps since she was a traded oc

Ah that's okay =w= b though I'd ask. 

Here's My adoptable folder just in case you see anyone you like (all folders within included) if not, that's okay! Thanks for considering anyway!

I got interested on these two, which one could I have?

Oh! :'D I legit didn't think you'd be interested 

Either of them is fine! :3 heck, if you like them both, you can have them X3

I'll have both then :3 I'll send her to you

1 Replies