Soy's Ownership Log

27 Aug 2020, 8:46:33 pm Transferred to synanthrope
15 Jul 2019, 5:34:48 pm Transferred to fursuit
I saw this design you mentioned and I couldn't help but think of you. He's devishly handsome and fun-loving, so I thought he fit you the most. I am sorry last week wasn't best. I hope you feel better and I can't wait to kiss you in 25 days!!! <3 <3
15 Jul 2019, 1:25:44 pm Transferred to Lupe
Sals! ($30)
15 May 2019, 8:35:40 am Transferred to bratblush
Sale - $25
31 Jan 2019, 1:02:44 am Assigned design creator role to MokiHunter
Initial character creation
30 Jan 2019, 3:29:14 pm Character created by rana