
Daycare Form:

Link to their Pillowing-Archive page:
Reference Image:…
Species Size: Standard
Little Dipper
Personality: Sweet, friendly, plays well with others, energetic, cuddly.
Preferred Activities: Napping in the sunshine, cuddling up in her footie pajamas, playing games like hide-and-go-seek and fetch, making friendship bracelets. She's always looking for new friends to make a bracelet for. She is short, but she is fast. Once she starts running, she gets the zoomies and likes to chase the other pillowings around. She likes toys that have squeakers and tennis balls.

Common Standard Size
Common Body Modification (Dachshund/Corgi Body)
Uncommon Drops Ears
Common Standard Closed Eyes
Common Standard Tongue
Common No Teeth
Common Padding Paws
Common No Nails
Common Standard Length And Common Standard Width Tail (Closed Case)
Uncommon Multiple Accessories (Collar, Bracelets)


Bought for $125