


5 years, 4 months ago


Important notes: ️ 

She is intersex, and does not have much in the chest department. It is also impossible for her to be pregnant. ️  

Her personality is typically cold, though she has a soft spot for her half elf boyfriend, and her half orc partner. Do feel free to show her with other emotions. ️  

She is very self conscious, so isn't likely to wear anything revealing.

The world she is from is based very much in older fantasy, so she would have nothing modern or technologically advanced.

She is 5’4 in height, and is lithe and skinny. Self consciousness about her body often means she covers herself well with baggy clothes and a cloak that she drapes around her shoulders. 

Her hair goes just past her shoulders, though she usually keeps it braided back. She has sectoral heterochromia. The majority of her eye is brown, with a small section of blue in the bottom. Her skin is lightly tanned. Her face is adorned with light freckles, especially over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

Without baggy clothes, it is apparent that she is flat chested, and very skinny. She has a lot of scars all over her body, though she never lets anyone see. 

She is not feminine in the slightest. So she wouldn't wear makeup or anything of the sort.

The full body shot is the best reference I have for full body including clothing.

Background- She was born into a small family. Her parents were killed by elvish slave traders when she was seven,  She was taken to an auction house, and sold to an Elfish family. Due to this, she has very little trust towards Elves and half Elves.

After a particularly bad day with the people who owned her, she ran away, She returned to Ravenport, wanting to hide in plain sight. She found herself fearing any and all people with Elf blood, fearing that they’re going to return her to the trade. As she grew up, she became hardened to the life, learning valuable survival skills.

One fact about her is that she is intersex. As she grew up, she developed differently. She is extremely self conscious about this fact. She is also infertile, which is a blessing in disguise for her. 

Personality- Because of her background, she is cold to others. She is extremely slow to trust, and it takes a lot for her to warm up to people. She can be jumpy, but hides fear well behind a snappy temper and humour towards the few that she is close to. She is crafty, and excellent at acting in order to get what she needs. When tested, she may be more prone to aggression. Typically, if someone touches a personal nerve, she may hide insecurity behind an aggressive persona.