Quinn (Temperance)



5 years, 5 months ago


Quinn is a vulgar loudmouth and a self proclaimed mad scientist. They are confident in their skills in both robotics and chemistry, and they aren't afraid to combine both with lightning magic to be lethal in both daily life and in battle. Quinn specializes in shocking and confusing foes, letting their friends do most of the damage. They usually don't hit too hard on their own, but combine their skills with someone else's, and things can get deadly.

They have the ability to imbue life into their robotic creations. The programming is magic once their touch is a part of it. The prime example of this artificial life-giving is B.B., their first creation as well as their scientific mascot. 

Quinn has a hard time making friends due to their loud and tactless nature, but they are quite the fun character to be around once someone gets to really know them.


  • Programming - Quinn's main passion lies in programming. Whether it be coding a website or some AI to play multiplayer games with them, they are all for it. They can spend hours staring at a computer screen and just typing out strings of programs. This has led to many all-nighters and them being extremely behind in their studies. They love making jokes about programming, most of them boiling down to jokes about the gender binary vs binary code. Though, their second kind of coding joke is talking about how programmers never know what they're doing.
  • Robotics - Sometimes, Quinn also utilizes their AIs and other simpler programs to create robots. While most of them are just the normal kind that can move a ball or roll down the hallway, some of them are way more complicated. Using their lightning magic to imbue life into a creation, Quinn has created multiple sentient little creatures. Some of them are just mechanical butterflies that fly around their room, but one of their creations even has the ability to copy human speech and say rude things.
  • Chemistry - Their expertise doesn't lie solely in mechanics and code, though. Quinn also finds themself performing chemical experiments almost weekly. They like to make clouds of smoke for dramatic effect, but they also just find mixing liquids in beakers to make something dangerous and cool is the best thing ever. It really adds to the whole 'mad scientist' persona that they have.
  • Roller Skating -In their free time, Quinn also goes roller skating sometimes. They like zooming along, feeling the wind in their hair and watching the world go by. They once attempted to augment the experience by attaching strong motors to their skates, but that only ended in them breaking their ankle in the end. For now, Quinn just sticks to wearing steampunk inspired skates and spinning around without a care in the world.
  • Gacha Games - Quinn is way too invested in gacha games for their own good. Sometimes, they take website designing commissions just to get a quick buck to spend on an anime character png. They usually aren't even invested in the characters. They are simply a completionist who wants to top the leaderboards (and then the world). Usually, playing these games just ends in them glaring at their phone in disgust while Ribot badmouths them for spending all their money on a gacha event.
  • Thrift Shopping - Lastly, Quinn loves thrift shopping. Whether it's to find things they can use in their projects or to discover a new article of clothing for their steampunk outfits, the idea is super appealing to them. They are more of a DIY person at their core, so they go to the shops nearby whenever possible. Usually, they come out of the store with at least one questionable trinket in their possession.

Draw with:

  • B.B.: (In Images) Creator and Creation. Their robot assistant in all of their schemes. B.B. was Quinn's first real sentient AI that they made, and they love the little guy with all their heart. Since B.B. doesn't get social cues either, Quinn is never scared that they're going to do or say anything to chase him away. The robot tends to hang off their shoulder as they program other things, badmouthing how messy the programs look the entire way. When Quinn is out thrift shopping, they occasionally get materials and bases to make B.B. steampunk themed accessories. B.B. enjoys his creator, but that doesn't stop him from calling them Zero.