Alicia Matsi Stalors



5 years, 2 months ago




Name:  Alicia Matsi Halli-Wolf

-- Previously: Matsi Starfire of House Wolf

------- Was adopted by King Halli of Yaronit, thus adding that family name to her own. 

Nicknames: General, Ali, Mutt, Starfire, Metlam (the Vargin word for Human-loving Vargin)

Age: Aprox 62 years (Equivalent to 23 human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Vargin

Country of Origin: Central Valley Tribe, of Centrium 

Occupation: High War-Priestess of Yan -- Daelain religion 

Language(s): Vargin, Common (English), Elven, Dwarf, Latin

Native tongue:  Vargin

Religion:  Daelain (Daemon based religion. Worship Two "high gods", Life and Death, and believe that all other religions are worshipers of minor gods)


Culture: Modern - Modern Fayley

Cultural Background: Vargin Tribe (primitive) , Modern, Military and Modern Fayley


Height: 5'2''

Weight: Aprox 108 lbs

Eye Color: Mostly silver with crimson around pupal 

Hair: Mostly deep black with a streak of silver

Skin: Fair but can be gently tanned in summer

Figure/build: Dainty and feminine but well muscled.


Alicia's Wolf form AKA Matsi.

The soul fire is her magic, which she uses VERY rarely


Shoulder Height: 26''

Length: 38'' nose to rump

Wing span: Aprox 10ft


Shoulder Height: 16 HH

Length: Aprox 8 feet from nose tip to rump.

Wing span: Aprox 20 feet 


Distinguishing marks: 

-Tattoo(s): Right Wrist -- A black winged wolf with red eyes -- Goddess of Death -- Matches the charm on one of her daggers

Left Hip -- A pawprint with outline of flames -- Her Family crest -- got this one before she was banished

On back between shoulder blades -- Tribal-esq dagger with blue crown and marks -- The Yaronit brand/Tattoo for Special Guards, Specifically the Wolf Guard

-Scars: Forehead - Just where her hair meets her head. From her time in the labs.

Chest - A jagged X shaped scar that seems to radiate from her Talisman. Was created by magic that pulled the Talisman into her flesh. 

Back - BRAND - Her brand was from the labs, and created from a hot iron coated in burning Cursed blood. It has stayed a sickly black color and looks almost as if it had dripped and run before drying. Says "Cursed Dog Of A Fallen King"

Back - various slashes through her back from war and the labs

Neck- nasty bite wound scars around her neck from being attacked be another Vargin when she was banished.

-Piercings: None 

-Clothing style: Anything comfortable when not working (Jeans, tshirt most common). Spends a lot of her time in her Wolf Guard uniform. (black military pants, boots with a black tshirt and occasionally a cloak)


Currently lives: Switches between Fayley and Yaronit 

Living Arrangements: FAYLEY - A small, scantly decorated cabin. Only has three rooms in it (Bed room, bathroom and a Kitchen-Living room combo). The few items she does have here are mostly pictures, Artwork she has done, Musical instruments and letters.

YARONIT - She has a slightly more extravagant house in Yaronit. It is a small, two bedroom house that is full of art work and photographs form over the years. There are board games on shelves, books and musical instruments all neatly organized. Her office is filled with memorabilia from over the years, and her walls have more pictures of her Guard Crew (Mitts, Dayson, Nyxran, Tren and herself) or the Prince, Aiolos and herself. There are a few Vargin artifacts hiding around the house. In one room, it is clear that the boys (Aiolos and Auberon) often crash there, for there are blankets strewn on the couch, magazines, wrappers and extra phone cords always there.


Hobbies: Playing Music (mostly guitar), Practicing her Combat skills, Drawing, Hiking, Lounging with people

Talents/Skills: Combat (Hand to hand. Favors Daggers and short swords), Drawing, Playing guitar, Singing, Almost anything artistic based.


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual / Asexual (tends to favor men due to instincts)

Basic description: A typically happy young Vargin woman with quite the story. She tries her hardest to keep her ailments and fears to herself as to not trouble others, thus appearing strong or even heartless to others. 

Personality: |Collected| While not always calm, she usually is very collected in her thoughts. It takes quite a bit to make her legitimately panic, and even more so to make her lose her train of thought.

|Friendly| Unless you have been rude or nasty to her, she will always be friendly and polite to you.

|Stern| Due to her time as a Leader and in Military, she has a very stern and firm streak. 

|Twisted| Maybe it was from all the torture, or maybe shes just a little sick, but she finds humor in some twisted and perverted things. 

|One of the guys| She gets along better with men/Males, and fits right into their little group. She doesn't forget that shes female, and won't let them forget it either. 

|Appears happy| This tends to be quite a well put-together mask. She tries to appear happy to prevent others from worrying about her.

|Skittish| Loud noises and sudden movements can startle her easily. This is mostly due to her "Fight or Flight" Vargin instinct. 

|Depressive/Anxious| While she has overcome most of her trauma, there are still a few triggers that can put her into a slump. She suffers night terrors almost nightly, but refuses to tell anyone. This causes her to be tired most of the time, which only adds to her anxiety. Some days she can be so bad, she will refuse to leave her home. The only one that suspects anything is Aiolos.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (listens to her king, but will do some extreme things to get his orders done)

Likes: Music, Food, Outdoors, Flying, Clear Nights, Sprite/7-up

Dislikes: Cages, Jail cells, Doctors offices, Snow



Fears/Phobias: -Being abandoned or banished again

- Losing Auberon

- Being locked in a cage or cell

- More testing (makes doctor visits very stressful)

- Cursed

- Oddly afraid of Beetles



Friends: - Trenskal Fury

- Maxx Dayson

- Robbie Mitt

- Flint Hartson

- Gabe Hartson (Deceased)

- Rayla Mikeal (Deceased)

Partner: Ara Sae FloraOralas

Offspring: Bracken, Parklan, Kimin, Morolyn

Enemies: Solera SunFang of House Wolf (Sister)

Pet(s): SFS Crebaini Gaurhoth

Nightmare the Dragon

PLEASE SEE Quick History of Alicia - Vargin information 

**Please note that while she was young, in addition to being trained to be the leader of her people, she was being taught to be a War-Priestess of Yan in her religion! She had a War-Priestess status when she took the throne after her mother**