


8 years, 9 days ago


Name: Yuri

Age: Appears to be in early 20s

Gender: Male

Height: 5'4"

Species: Vampire; Halfie (Human turned Vampire) - vampire lore can be found here

Occupation: Member of the band Lockjaw: A not so good band with the gimmick of being vampire themed, when all the members are actually vampires. They mostly play in small bars and house parties, and it almost pays the bills.

Significant Other: Corona "Coco"

Appearance:  Yuri is short with soft facial features but sharp eyes. He is skinny to the point of looking just a touch malnourished and his skin is cold to the touch and he has little to no complexion due to being undead (he typically wears makeup to hide this fact and also the scar on his face).

His silly antics and the way he talks (He typically drops off end letters and uses shortened versions of words, ex: "How'd ya' know I went drinkin!") give the initial impression of being an airhead, but with a closer look he gives the unsettling sense that he might be hiding something.


Personality: Yuri lives recklessly and carefree, often acting on impulse which gets him in trouble. He enjoys being a vampire and is a pretty aggressive feeder, which also gets him in trouble. But despite his inclinations for danger, Yuri is very sociable and fun natured, hanging out with several different crowds of vampires and even the occasional human. There's a certain charm to being so wildly open and uncaring of consequences, and many people find Yuri's antics to grow on them quite quickly. Yuri is also absolutely shameless, and will pretty much anything on a bet or for money, heck sometimes he will do things just because he thinks its funny. The only thing he draws the line on is anything that would make Coco mad (sometimes) 


Keywords: Childish, reckless, friendly, shameless, flirtatious, silly 



- The big scar on his face isn't from anything vampire-related, he got it from being blackout drunk, falling over and hitting his face on the  corner of a table. He likes to make up cool stories for it though.

- Is drunk.  A lot.

- High maintenance in the sense that he would be totally fine living in a garbage can, and its hard to keep him from doing that. 

- Likes to cut shirts in half with kid's scissors and leaves the hemline messed up because he can't sew (Coco sometimes sews it for him.) He  would also purposefully cut holes into his pants if he didn't make holes in them from falling and being dumb.

-he protecc, he attacc but mostly importantly he pee off the balcc (thank u ven DGDF)

- Loves Coco more than anything else in the world, and he's the only person in the entire universe that can stop Yuri from doing dumb shit. Yuri tries very hard to change some of his bad habits for Coco, even if progress is slow. 

- Very clingy to Coco, he'd be perfectly content being attached to Coco at the hip.

- Flirts with anything with a pulse and a beating heart. While the flirting doesn't bother Coco because he knows its Yuri's way of luring in  prey, but Yuri's seemingly endless need for blood does. 

- Actually not that bad at playing the bass, however he has no clue how to set up equipment or maintain his instrument. 


Likes: Being drunk, blood and feeding, doing stuff he's not supposed to do just because he can, getting pampered, playing the bass, crop top shirts, sleeping in


Dislikes: Coco's weird blood alternative drinks, the taste of coco's blood, having to do chores or clean, being sober



- Friendly and affectionate

- Good at talking and getting to know new people

- Charismatic, attracts lots of people to him 


- Risk taker; does dangerous things a lot

- Impulsive

- Insincere and hard to read 

- Doesn't think about the consequences of his actions; lives in the moment


Plot:  In the present, vampires hide in plain sight- a popular fashion trend is capping ones' canines with gold or silver fangs, so vampires simply cap their fangs and are able to freely blend in with their human counterparts, giving them unique opportunities in experiencing human culture.

Vampires traveled alone in the past, but now they've formed groups for the sake of convenience--these groups conquer territories and defend them; they are a precious source of food. Some groups are far more territorial and aggressive than others, some simply prefer a loose bond and will happily work together with other vampires if it's in their best interest. 

General vampire lore

Vampire slang dictionary

Backstory: Originally a deadbeat human, Yuri easily took to the life of being a deadbeat vampire after his death at the hands of a pureblood. His momentary absence in his death wasn't even noticed; he had no job to report too and lived his life as a perpetually drunk couch surfer. However, his sleazy nightlife habits made him well-suited to the vampire life and it wasn't long before he joined one of the cities vampire packs, becoming an acquaintance of many of the local vampires in the area.

Eventually he and some close vampire friends from other packs discuss making a band together, the idea being a hit between the pack leaders as an exchange in services- the band's gigs being played in one packs territory a scummy part of town known for its nightlife, perfect for finding drunken victims, and in return the other packs provide protection and intel. It is in this band that Yuri meets Coco, a pureblood vampire who becomes a large part of his life.


Coco- A pureblood vampire that plays the drums in the band Yuri is in. Coco was very intent to get to know Yuri; it's unusual for a pureblood to have interest in a halfie, but Yuri enjoys Coco's attention and companionship and the two get along very well. They now live together in Coco's cheap apartment; Coco's flippant and wild personality mixed with Yuri's impulsive and childish nature gets them into a lot of shenanigans and general silliness, but the two are mostly content with their lazy lifestyle and going to band practice once a week. Coco has abstained from eating from humans and tries to get Yuri to stop as well, Yuri reluctantly feeding from other food sources including Coco himself (it is rumored that if a halfie drinks pureblood they will live longer, but no vampires have been able to confirm this myth). However,Yuri's desire to eat fresh blood gets the better of him more often than not, putting a complex strain on the relationship.


{Unknown to Yuri, Coco is the vampire that made him a halfie in the first place; In his final moments as a human Yuri was stumbling around drunk when Coco snuck up behind him, unintentionally drinking too much blood and killing him. Feeling intense guilt over the incident, Coco gives up drinking from humans and also gains a strong saviour complex when it comes to Yuri, and is determined to protect him and keep him safe; which is not an easy task given Yuri's reckless behaviour.)


Dom (Dominic)-  Yuri's favorite victim when it comes to feeding. Yuri actually likes Dom quite a bit, but likes his blood a lot more, making for a weird combo of cuddling and violent feeding that leaves Dom on edge. However, Dom lets Yuri feed time and time again, enjoying the fleeting contact and brief conversations with his vampire 'acquaintance' as he is unable to make lasting friends due to his shy and antisocial personality.