
5 years, 1 month ago


Maki Nagase

4"6 (137 cm)
April 10th 2172
Lucerne Gold Collar


Maki was a very bubbly and hyper ten year old girl. Ever since she could remember, she'd always been passionate about art and expressing herself, which her parents heavily supported and encouraged. Maki frequently painted in her room, sometimes with supplies that were not meant to be used to paint with, but she "didn't want anything to hold her back from creativity". Her parents still tried to do something about the constant mess, though.

Of course, Maki was passionate about many things, art just being at the very top of her list. She loved and cherished her stuffed animals, constantly carrying (and leaving) them around the house, and when she wasn't doing that, she was forcing her twin brother Haru to play with her. One of her many interests was playing with and collecting bugs in jars and containers alike, to which her scaredy-cat brother highly disproved of.

Maki and her family were extremely close, her and Haru being practically inseparable. She constantly drew pictures of (and for) because she loved them very much, and they loved her just as equally. They really were a happy family, afterall.


After coming down with a cold on the day of her tenth birthday, Maki had to stay home from school despite begging her parents to let her go. She was the rare percentage who actually enjoyed school, art class probably being the main reason why. Eventually Maki gave in (it wasn't like she had a choice, afterall), and was supposed to spend the day resting, to which she dreaded. Sometimes she was way too energetic for her own good.

As a result, Haru ended up promising that after school, he would get her something from the local corner store they both frequented to cheer her up, also counting it as her birthday gift. She became extremely excited and happy, throwing him into a bear hug, and then seeing him off at the door.

The day went on, Maki becoming bored quite quickly all alone in her room, her mom or dad occasionally poking their heads into the room to see how she was doing. Despite her cold, she remained as hyper as ever, but as it became later into the morning, then afternoon, she started feeling more sluggish. It felt weird not having Haru around, obviously it wasn't the first time one of them has been sick and needed to attend school without the other, but it still felt strange. She always missed her brother when he wasn't around.

After what felt like a whole century, Haru's school day finally ended and he would make his stop to the corner store, and then come right back home. Maki became excited and couldn't wait for him to come back, already planning out the rest of their birthday afternoon and evening. But, just a little while after Haru was probably still heading to the store, there was another knock at the door.

It wasn't just any knock. As Maki ran downstairs, under the impression Haru had developed super sonic speed to get here that fast, the knocking gradually turned into pounding. Obviously, that wasn't Haru, and if he was just trying to be playful and scare them, it wasn't funny nor something he would actually do. The pounding became louder, harder, and scarier to Maki who became frozen in place. That wasn't Haru.

All of this happened in the span of a minute. In those sixty seconds, human extremists had broken into their once peaceful home, stealing that all away as they emptied bullets into Maki and her parents not too far away from her. It didn't take long for Hawk extremists to also enter the picture, shooting and killing those same humans, leaving an even bigger mess for Haru to eventually find.

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