


WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!

Personal Details

Full Name -
Nicknames -
Gender Male
Species -
Age 22
Height 6' 1"
Birthday *month* *day* *starsign*
Likes -
Dislikes Demons, anything else that eats human souls, people suffering (unless they're demons or any other kind of soul-sucking monster, then that's okay cuz he thinks they deserve it)
Strengths -
Weaknesses -
Powers None
Alignment -



(para about positives)
(para about negatives)


Nathaniel used to be living a happy life - his family was caring and supportive, he had a girlfriend who he loved more than anyone else in the world, he was pretty confident that he'd do well in all of his exams before leaving school...
However, that all changed one day when Winter pretty much broke up with him by not speaking to him at all. Not understanding what he could have done to upset her so much, he tried to ask her older brother Jayden why, as she wouldn't tell him herself and Nathaniel knew that her older brother was very close to her. Unfortunately, he soon found out that Jayden had died, and Winter wanted to be alone because of this.


Friends - He's been pretty close friends with Noel for quite a long time.
Enemies - He doesn't know who killed his ex-girlfriend's older brother, but he deeply despises them as she was very close to him, and his death basically caused her to break up with this character.
Family -
Relationship status - Single/Not sure if looking or not (he's given up on trying to get his ex-girlfriend back, but he isn't sure if he's ready to have another partner yet)/Sexuality unknown (he's into females as he used to be dating Winter, though it's unknown whether he'd be into people of any other gender)


beepity boop