★ Juice Pals ★

A group of characters I'm working on!

Each one of them owns and manages a juice brand that exclusively sells the flavor the character is based on. They are highly competitive and want to prove their juice is the best there is. They will try to sabotage each other sometimes and pull any kind of silly tricks. Nothing too malicious, they are still in a way friends with each other.

These characters have bodies made of glass, and their heads have the texture of the fruit they represent. The inside of their body is full of juice, and it is possible to drink from their straws (but that is considered a very intimate gesture, definitely can't be done without permission and only in very special or specific occasions.) Even though their bodies are made of glass, they're not fragile or easy to break at all, and injuries can heal.

If you draw these characters please keep it SFW and child-friendly.