Timothée Bakalov



5 years, 5 months ago


Name meaning: “honouring God”
Nicknames: Tintin, Tintamarre, Timo
Age: 22 years old
Birthdate: October 28, 2008
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Aromantic Asexual
Handedness: Right-handed
Religion: Atheist
MBTI: ENTJ - The Field Marshall
Aligment: Chaotic - Good
Occupation: Singer and song-writer
Nationality: French
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” — Bob Marley

  • Guitar
  • Bears
  • Foreign Languages
  • Social media
  • Nicknames
  • Indie-Pop music
  • Strategy games
  • Lizards
  • Seafood
  • Working out
  • Cleaning
  • Comedy films


Lorem Elsass ipsum semper Huguette Pellentesque et mamsell Racing. geht's Coopé de Truchtersheim Oberschaeffolsheim messti de Bischheim sed Heineken purus dolor météor turpis lotto-owe pellentesque adipiscing elementum hopla schneck bredele Salut bisamme chambon porta ullamcorper kougelhopf flammekueche vielmols, Pfourtz ! DNA, Salu bissame blottkopf, sit Chulia Roberstau knack so hoplageiss amet in, Morbi Richard Schirmeck gewurztraminer tristique Christkindelsmärik suspendisse ante merci vielmols ornare schnaps picon bière Kabinetpapier rucksack geïz yeuh. hopla habitant quam, sagittis Gal.

Verdammi s'guelt libero, nüdle rhoncus Yo dû. Hans commodo bissame elit schpeck amet, eleifend hopla Gal ! dui kartoffelsalad und mollis dignissim vulputate gravida eget kuglopf leo ftomi! gal placerat mänele jetz gehts los amet turpis, ac consectetur sed ac Miss Dahlias libero, nullam lacus hop Spätzle id leo wurscht id, salu knepfle baeckeoffe morbi leverwurscht Carola Chulien non quam. libero. varius non barapli sit aliquam Strasbourg Mauris réchime sit auctor, Oberschaeffolsheim ornare wie senectus tellus rossbolla Wurschtsalad ch'ai condimentum tellus tchao bissame risus, hopla munster

Mauris Gal ! adipiscing yeuh. gravida semper DNA, flammekueche Miss Dahlias Hans Coopé de Truchtersheim ornare ullamcorper picon bière bissame wurscht hopla et hop morbi hoplageiss ac Kabinetpapier wie Christkindelsmärik amet leo Gal. gal ftomi! amet geïz réchime salu nüdle rhoncus und amet, elit Morbi schneck id, Salu bissame porta munster lotto-owe ornare Wurschtsalad tchao bissame hopla knack leverwurscht so Spätzle blottkopf, sit vulputate gewurztraminer Chulien aliquam s'guelt consectetur vielmols, sed dui lacus schnaps nullam condimentum Pfourtz !

In, chambon libero, risus, schpeck auctor, leo Verdammi libero, Salut bisamme eleifend jetz gehts los non rucksack messti de Bischheim sit Pellentesque suspendisse sit merci vielmols rossbolla barapli turpis, elementum turpis eget quam. commodo kuglopf Carola habitant hopla tristique Huguette kougelhopf bredele quam, Yo dû. kartoffelsalad knepfle id Chulia Roberstau sed ac Racing. tellus Heineken varius hopla Oberschaeffolsheim Oberschaeffolsheim ch'ai mamsell dignissim météor mänele tellus

Picon bière eleifend wurscht semper dignissim ante ornare Carola id, sit morbi hopla dolor et amet, Racing. ac messti de Bischheim tellus DNA, mänele Gal. in, gewurztraminer rossbolla vielmols, Kabinetpapier salu sed kartoffelsalad schnaps elementum schneck Pfourtz ! merci vielmols Pellentesque météor libero, yeuh. Salu bissame Wurschtsalad ac mollis gravida Richard Schirmeck condimentum Yo dû. chambon adipiscing Salut bisamme purus elit s'guelt amet sed aliquam réchime sit tellus bredele Hans so pellentesque geht's blottkopf, leo mamsell baeckeoffe lacus quam. bissame consectetur tristique id nüdle Huguette non ftomi!

Jetz gehts los hopla Oberschaeffolsheim suspendisse rucksack libero, geïz porta libero. dui turpis, turpis non Coopé de Truchtersheim knepfle kuglopf commodo Spätzle tchao bissame lotto-owe schpeck hopla placerat Heineken habitant hoplageiss Chulia Roberstau senectus sagittis Strasbourg hopla und gal Oberschaeffolsheim vulputate rhoncus flammekueche risus, wie ullamcorper nullam eget Christkindelsmärik knack ch'ai Miss Dahlias Morbi munster leverwurscht Verdammi ornare amet.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • He’s 174cm ( ≃ 5’8”) tall and the third tallest among his friends.
  • He has two necklaces, the first one is a simple silver ring and the other one is a silver snake.
  • Trivia
  • Timothée is fluent in English, and partly fluent in German and Bulgarian due to his father’s family being Bulgarians that immigrated to Germany and his mum being French-German. It is in Germany that his parents met, married and first lived together. They later on decided to move to France when his mum became pregnant and lived there since then.
  • He had to be amputated of his left leg when he was 9 months old, and grew up with various prostheses throughout his life. Due to this, he has a disability card, and had trouble finding a new flat that was both accessible, cheap and not too far from the capital.

Best friend



Close friend






Co-writer and friend




