


8 years, 23 days ago



Name Sophie Blackwald
Designer Sixbane
Gender Female
Significant Other None, available
Rules N/A
Species Human/ Canine Alt/Au

RoleLawyer, witch in secret


  • Usually keeps hair up in a ponytail, but it can be drawn down too.
  • The orange cat is Annabelle, her familiar

Sophie is strong and independent, living a double life where she's always had to take care of herself first. She is secretive, and doesn't easily let people in because she's afraid of losing them once they learn who she really is. She has a strong moral compass and will to do good, and is willing to make sacrifices to make good things happen for other people even if it means detriment to herself. She tends to have a bit of a sarcastic/pessimistic attitude, but can be personable and charismatic- most often when she needs to put on a face for clients in her normal job.

She's especially no nonsense when it comes to demons and can see right through their lies and deals. 

She keeps to herself, but makes a good leader when times call for it. She's capable of keeping her head even under pressure and keeping control of situations in general. It's generally unwise to get on her bad side, as she's prone to giving people nuisance curses when they irk her. Temporary, but annoying.


  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.

Sophie is a witch from a long line of women powerful in magic. She grew up with her mother, who lived dedicatedly in the realm of the fantastical, and her father- a lawyer obsessed with stark reality. She is good at playing off being "normal" and is currently in college to become a lawyer in her father's footsteps. Despite the ruse, she's quite competent in magic, adept in controlling and communing with demonkind. Though she uses what most magic users refer to as "black magic", she uses it to help others and manipulate demons into doing good for humanity. As a result, plenty of them are plenty unhappy with her. But her grasp on them is currently a hold too strong for them to break.

While she is disowned from her family, due to complications with their views and hers- and officially she is disconnected from the traditions of her mother's style of magics, she is more than competent enough to defend herself against any foes she's met yet.


  • Pasta
  • Cats
  • True crime
  • Helping others

  • Silly demon games
  • Burnt food
  • Thunderstorms
  • Homework

Charlie Crab man

-Threatens him with butter-

Ouija Friend....?

"Hey buddy you know that guy three doors down? Can we make sure a ghost haunts him for a while, he cut me off on the interstate"

 "Sure thing, what a prick" 

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.