Cotton Orden



8 years, 21 days ago


Name: Cotton Orden

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Graysexual 

Likes: Sweets, meat, reading, singing, tea and especially rainy/stormy days where they sit back with a good book and just read to the sound of rain hitting the roof. 

Dislikes: Tomatoes, bullies, overly joyful people and really sunny days. 

Personality: Cotton is a very joyful guy but not the overly joyful that he so despises. He doesn't mind giving the occasional hug but in a relationship type setting it is harder for him to give any. He can be very sweet and loving once he gets attached though and even a little clingy so beware! He is one of the best friends you will ever have! He is very protective of those he cares about and hes willing to do any and everything for them no matter the cost to himself.

Worth- $30