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God's Children

Nyriedvatre are said to be god’s children. As god’s emissaries, their devotion is unlike any other. They are treated as deities, worshipped and respected. All races are god’s creations in some way, but Nyriedvatre share a deeper connection to the makers.

Not born, but created by faith, they start their life as mindless, timeless beings, living in the very essence of forests, lakes, mountains. Sometimes even remains. When they receive a physical body - most often resembling a child - is when their mission truly begins. An appearance of a Nyriedvatre rarely stays unnoticed, their godly looks and powers attract attention, and usually they find a temple to settle in rather quickly. There they grow, learn and train. When their physical form reaches 24 years, and they go through a ceremony, they can finally find their place and purpose in this world. Some stay at their temples, some choose to become holy knights, priests, sages, some travel great distances before deciding. All deities find their own purpose in the world, they commonly spend their time helping others, in a more or less direct way.

Although all respected greatly, Nyriedvatre aren’t treated as gods. Eyes, the symbol of gods also create a hierarchy among deities. Even though one-eyed deities are strong, they don’t receive the same amount of respect a three-eyed deity would. The more eyes one has, the more godly they appear. Eight-eyed deities are so rare, that braver creatures might not hesitate dying for their cause. And certainly no one dares to decline them anything. Nine-eyed deities are so incredibly powerful that the line between god and deity is blurred. Some say it’s gods coming to visit, and magic drains their life force because a physical vessel is not capable of containing beings such as gods. Nine-eyed deities appear once every couple of hundred, to thousands of years, and stay for a century at most. Their death is marked by a new calendar era.

Physical Forms

Nyriedvatre, though humanoid in form, take various appearances, depending on their origin. One that lived in a forest might have a warm skin tone and dark, teal hair, along with elongated ears, pointed upwards like branches. Another that has lived in a body of water might have pink skin and purple hair, flowing constantly as if submerged in water. What separates them from other creatures the most is their eyes. Varying in the amounts, Nyriedvatre can have from one to nine eyes, though it is never seven, and rarely above five.

• Three to four eyes
• Averaging at 180 centimetres
• Warm skin tones varying from pastel to deep browns, rarely purples
• Hair in shades of teal or blue, most often dark
• Brown, red, rarely green or blue eyes
• Long, upwards pointing ears

Body of water:
• Three to four eyes
• Averaging at 180 centimetres, slender silhouette
• Skin in various pale shades of pink and violet, often seeming translucent
• Forever flowing hair, from pale red, to deep pinks and purples
• Pink, red or grey eyes
• Slightly pointed ears
• Some have webbed fingers or gills on their necks
• Four to five eyes
• Averaging at 190 centimetres, well built
• Grey skin
• Grey or white hair, red if the mountain is a volcano
• Eyes of any colour
• Long ears pointing sideways or downwards
• Some have goat-like legs or horizontal pupils
Remains, creature:
• One to two eyes
• Averaging at 170 centimetres
• Skin either on the greyscale, beige or red
• White, pink or red hair
• Eyes most often grey or red, sometimes brown
• Ears pointing sideways or downwards
• Some are created with scars
Remains, building:
• Four to five eyes
• Averaging at 170 centimetres
• Skin resembles the color of walls
• Hair resembles the color of the roof
• Eyes most often orange or yellow
• Ears pointing sideways or downwards


• Nyriedvatre don’t have genitalia, breasts or nipples, they are all genderless
• Nyriedvatre don’t have a navel, as they were never truly born
• The average Nyriedvatre has three to four eyes, more or less than that is considered rare
• Six, eight or nine-eyed individuals can come from any origin
• The more eyes one has, the bigger the chance of heterochromia

Power by eye amount

One-eyed deities have barely any, to no talent for magic. Their bodies are weaker, but regenerate extremely quickly. What makes them capable is the sheer physical strength they possess.

Two-eyed deities have no more talent for magic than a human might have. Their bodies regenerate very quickly, and they are stronger than most creatures.

Three-eyed deities can use magic, although strong spells are still out of their reach. They are stronger than most creatures.

Four-eyed deities shine when it comes to magic and swiftness. They aren’t the strongest, but their magic and speed makes them quite capable.

Five-eyed deities are jacks of all trades, but masters of none. They have a talent for magic, are fast and strong. They get tired quickly, but their bodies aren’t weak.

Six-eyed deities are masters of magic and protection from it. Some can learn magic outside their own affinity, or use grand spells with little affinity. They are dexterous and swift, but lack in sturdiness. They are also stronger than most creatures.

Eight-eyed deities are the only ones that match one-eyed ones in physical strength. They are sturdy, swift and heal quickly. Their talent for magic is limited to basic spells.

Nine-eyed deities are the most magnificent and terrifying beings. Their magic is unlike any other, but they use their life force to cast it.


Almost all creatures are capable of the simplest magic should they choose to study it. Not being able to cast a single spell is frowned upon, despite the fact that most people are not proficient or talented enough to cast more than a few simple ones.

Types of Magic

One can only learn magic that they have affinity towards, deity and other creatures alike. The more eyes of that same colour they have, the stronger that affinity is. Not all spells require just a single affinity, though it is rarely more than two.

Affinity by eye colour

Purple: Space
Orange: Fire
Yellow: Light
Brown: Mineral
Pink: Water
Blue: Air
Red: Life
Grey: Death
Green: Mind

Magic Classes

There are three different ways to use Magic: Manipulation, Creation and Transmutation. Each person is born with aptitude towards a certain class of utilising magic. While it's not impossible to use magic outside your own aptitude, it is hard to master, and never quite as powerful. A person's aptitude is influenced by their parents'. Manipulators are most common, Transmutators least common.

While Manipulators can use Creation magic half as well as their own aptitude, they rarely can use Transmutation Magic at all. Creators can use Manipulation magic half as well as their own affinity and Transmutation magic a quarter as well. Trasmutators can use Creation magic half as well as their own aptitude and Manipulation magic a quarter as well.

Affinity and Aptitude

M: Levitate and move objects through space
C: Create pocket dimensions
T: Teleport; Alter the qualities of an object
M: Control and alter the qualities of fire
C: Create fire; Increase temperature
T: Infuse body with supernatural strength, courage and resistance to heat
M: Distort light/shadow
C: Create light; Heal minor injury
T: Create and dispel illusions; Radiate energy that inspires kindness, generosity and feelings of joy
M: Control and alter the qualities of minerals
C: Create stones, soil, crystals
T: Transmute minerals into empty gems; Infuse body with supernatural durability and vigour
M: Control and alter the qualities of water
C: Create water; Decrease temperature
T: Infuse body with supernatural flexibility, the ability to breathe water and resistance to cold
M: Control air
C: Create air
T: Manipulate sound; Infuse body with supernatural agility, focus and the ability to levitate
M: Control and alter the qualities of blood; Lessen fatigue
C: Create blood; Accelerate healing, growth
T: Heal injury; Inflict disease
M: Accelerate decaying, withering; Increase fatigue
C: Contact a departed soul; Create a magical pact
T: Heal disease; Inflict injury
M: Heighten mental abilities, memory, and cognitive functions
C: Send mental messages; Influence emotions
T: Perceive the mind and through the senses of another


Magic crystals occur naturally throughout the world and have an innate continuous magical effect of an affinity matching it’s colour. After they are refined, most often through mineral transmutation magic, their magical effect can be stabilised or made dormant by a skilled magician of its affinity. After this process, they are called gems or refined gems. Such a gem can then be used in three different ways. Firstly, it can be used for its innate effect; for example, a light gem might be used as a constant light source - a fire gem for its warmth. Secondly, with its continuous effect made dormant it can be used to amplify a person’s magic affinity, but it cannot be used to gain access to a new affinity. Lastly, it can be used as an energy source for a magic glyph. They are highly sought after and can be quite expensive depending on their affinities, size and imperfections.

So called “Empty gems” are artificially made using mineral trasmutation magic. Like their name suggests, they have no innate magical effect and act simply as a vessel. After being infused with magic, now referred to as infused gems, they can be used in the similar ways to magical gems. They can be used for their constant effect, which is the most common. They can be used for amplifying a person’s magic affinity but compared to refined gems they are fragile in nature, which makes them fickle and more dangerous to use for this purpose. Unlike magical gems however, they cannot be used as an energy source. Their power artificial and temporary in nature. These gems are more widely spread due to their lower price and their infinite available amount.

There are three means of breaking a gem. Overfilling it with energy of the same affinity, overexerting it’s magic or breaking it through physical means. When a gem is broken it can cause unexpected magical effects. Though refined gems are hard to break, infused gems are more fragile, and prone to breaking when used recklessly as an affinity amplifier. Though a person might break a gem intentionally as a last resort when faced with danger, the outcome of such an action is never a certainty; in many cases it can cause more harm than good.


Magic glyphs are graphical representation of a spell. Drawing a magic glyph requires a deep understanding and proficiency with the arcane; it is often a process of trial and error. Though they only carry the intent of the spell, they can be activated using one’s own energy, or by using a gem as the energy source. They are used in three different ways. Firstly, a magician might draw out a complicated spell rather than cast it directly to ensure it’s cast meticulously. Secondly, a glyph might be engraved on a surface with a gem as its energy source. In this form, it is a permanent way of casting a spell. The more complicated and precise the spell, the more complex the glyph, and bigger the energy source needed. Lastly, a glyph can be drawn on a parchment to be used at a later time, or by someone else - as long as the caster’s affinity matches the glyph. A magical scroll made by a skilled magician is then oftentimes transcribed by students of the arcane as practice.

Glyphs and gems can be used to craft magical items—magicraft. They can have serve a wide variety of uses from household appliances such as a hairdryer to combat tools such as a ring of fire resistance. Because of the price of gems, and the skill needed to create a flawless glyph, magicraft is very expensive and often not something an average person can afford to buy.

The Maker and The Holy Nine

Birth of the world, birth of the Gods

“The True God”, “The Maker”, “Sacred Mother” all refer to the highest form of existence. It's consciousness disputed, it's the essence of the world itself - everything that exists, existed, could exist. It is said that as the world realised itself, the Gods were born one by one. As matter appeared, so did the God of Space, as stars were born, so were the Gods of Fire and of Light. Then there was The Goddess of Minerals, The Gods of Water and of Air. Often said to have been born out of The Goddess of Minerals' wish, The Goddess' of Life and of Death, sometimes reffered to as one Goddess, were born. At at last, there was The Goddess of Mind.

Although all Gods and their virtues are said to be equally important, people often choose to follow one God more than the others. Oftentimes it's the God that they share a magic affinity with, or the God that their family worships as tradition, or simply the God they feel the deepest connection to.


The Maker

Sacred Mother is perceived as neither good nor bad, but as all knowing and just. Sometimes presented as a being above gods and sometimes as existence itself, by few thought to be a thing of the past, a God that existed and perished.

Portrayal: Never portrayed as having a body, rarely portrayed at all outside of visual metaphors.

The God of Space

Character: Rarely described.

Followers: Magicians, Scholars.

Portrayal: A tall, vaguely humanoid, faceless figure with impossibly long curly hair and long ears. Their statues are made of purple and violet stone or gemstone.

Associated Virtue: Unity

God of Fire and Battle

Character: Quick-witted, brave, fierce, vigorous.

Followers: Warriors, Knights.

Portrayal: A muscular humanoid with four arms, each wielding a different weapon. His animal form is a one-eyed lion with a scorpion tail. His statues are made of warm stone or copper.

Associated Virtue: Courage

The God of Light and Healing

Character: Benevolent, warmhearted, caring.

Followers: Healers, Common people.

Portrayal: A slender, forever smiling humanoid with long, wavy hair. His animal form is a small bird with one eye. His statues are made of variety of materials, including white stone and marble.

Associated Virtue: Magnanimity

The Goddess of Minerals and Stability

Character: Tough, Just.

Followers: Farmers, Artisans.

Portrayal: A motherly humanoid with legs resembling cattle. Her animal form is a long haired highland cattle with one eye. Her statues are often made from wood, stone and metal.

Associated Virtue: Diligence

The God of Water and Change

Character: Ever-changing.

Followers: Sailors, Farmers.

Portrayal: A slender figure with flowing hair, a humanoid upper body and the lower body of a fish. His animal form is a big, pink fish with one eye. His statues are made of stone, marble and gemstone.

Associated Virtue: Adaptability

The God of Air and Freedom

Character: Carefree, Stoic.

Followers: Travellers, Sages, Monks.

Portrayal: A humanoid figure with far spreading feathered wings. His animal form is a big bird with one eye. His statues are made of stone, metal and gemstone.

Associated Virtue: Equanimity

The Goddess' of Life and Fertility, Death and Promises

Character: Compassionate, Faithful.

Followers: Healers.

Portrayal: Sometimes portrayed as one, sometimes as two separate Goddesess'. As one, a long haired petite humanoid with tears falling down her face. Her animal form, a grey snake with one red eye. As two, two petite figures joined in an embrace, their long hair connected together, both crying, one blood, the other tears. Their animal form, two intertwined snakes, red and grey or white and black, with one eye each. Her/their statues are made from stone and marble.

Associated Virtues: Sympathy, Fidelity.

The Goddess of the Mind

Character: Wise, Empathetic.

Followers: Scholars, Magicians, Sages.

Portrayal: A small owl with one eye. Though she is rarely portrayed alone, her statues are made from green stone and gemstone.

Associated Virtue: Wisdom

Unorganised (for now) yet important notes

The sky has a violet tint to it. Appears more blue or purple depending on the weather. There are two suns (horizontally next to each other) in the sky, one smaller and a bit warmer in colour.

Due to microscopic plant life, large bodies of water tend to appear more pink in colour than the reflected sky. Most plants are bluish green, with mauve also being common.

The planet completes a full rotation of it’s stars in 360 days – one year. Also once every 360 days, both stars and the moon align, resulting in a complete solar eclipse. The year is separated into six months, each six tendays long, or 60 days long in another words. Every month one star eclipses the other, and once every tenday the moon eclipses one of the stars. A day is separated into 36 hours.