
Joy/lvl withheld (teen)/female/feline kemonomimi

Huge introvert. She likes socializing with friends but can get burned out and eventually needs time for herself to recharge. She can be kinda iffy with strangers and although she has gotten better, she can still be kinda awkward around them. She especially hates being put on the spot of attention in front of strangers and even friends a bit. She is pretty loyal to friends but can shut herself off if she isn't careful. She can also get jealous pretty easily when it comes to friends and loved ones and will most likely get a little aggy when they’re really hitting it off with someone else she doesn’t know or like too much. She knows this is stupid though so she doesn’t speak up about it and wants to work on it.

Questioning her sexuality but probably a Big Bi (maybe pan but she'll just say she's bi because people know what that is compared to pansexuality which isn't as well known and she really doesn't want to talk to strangers to begin with so why the hell would she put herself in a situation where she has to talk to a stranger for a long time to explain herself and actually be a normal social human being??) 

Jokester. She loves telling jokes and making people laugh. She has a very childish, perverted, and self-deprecating sense of humor. She usually "jokingly" mocks herself and others for a laugh. Also makes herself laugh often. Not funny tbh. 

Usually pretty chill and doesn't want to start anything. She kinda just hangs around quietly, chiming in when she can. She's honestly sort of self conscious of her quiet nature at times. She can actually be kinda mean if she's not careful as she's not really afraid of speaking her mind (mainly on the internet tho lmao). For the most part though, especially with friends, the insults are usually just jokes. She can be sort of childlike and actually likes being called cute.

Very pottymouthed. Curses pretty much every day. Also very perverted. Thinks about gross stuff pretty much every day. 

Pretty forgetful and airheaded. She can forget something she was just thinking or talking about. She's not the brightest bulb in the box and can take a while to understand shit, especially if she's spaced out, which happens at times. She's pretty self-conscious about it. She also procrastinates often.

VERY big crybaby. It doesn't take much to make her cry. She also has issues with anger and can start getting verbally or even physically abusive when upset. She is, of course, working on this.

Pretty much lives on the internet. She spends most of her time playing video games and talking to friends online. She loves video games, especially sandbox ones like MINECRAFT, THE OG GAME. She also likes more gorey and fast-paced games like GTA, D2, or Yakuza but is honestly more of a casual gamer that sticks to games like Mario Kart or Animal Crossing. She isn't very good at video games most of the time and usually needs A LOT of practice, but she still has fun anyways and usually laughs when she messes up.  


•Lofi music


•Video games



•The ukulele (she’s even trying to learn herself)




•Really loud noises

•Bugs (especially roaches and anything that can fly)

•Social interaction with strangers

•Bright colors (especially when it comes to clothing)


•Being single

She is 5'7 and 165 lbs.  She is a bit on the chubby side with a pear figure (examples shown below) with broad shoulders, D breasts, and round hips. She has a short, black bob that stops at her shoulders with large bangs that stop at the tip of her nose along with big pointy cat ears filled with lighter black fluff. She also has a long, slick black cat tail that stops at her knees. She is usually wearing a baggie red hoodie and black skinny jeans with black and white sneakers. She also wears a simple black choker.