
5 years, 24 days ago



"you sit there all mighty and treat us like we're some monstrosity, so fine. I'll play your game."

A quiet tortoiseshell with piebaldism and pale pink eyes. Rumored to have a dark blood red third eye, but no one's ever confirmed if this is true.

Despite being a dark forest cat, this well groomed she-cat strides through the endless city of dead trees with a watchful gaze. Having gained respect from the other residents out of fear, everyone refers to her as the leader and often nervously look to her in awkward and difficult situations. Supervises over dark forest training and makes sure apprentices are with their best possible mentors, never taking on an apprentice herself. Has a strong well known hate for StarClan and their code, can be seen stalking the boarder to StarClan fairly often. 


Name AshenDream (Ashlyn Dream Reid)
Age Died at 23 (~1)
Gender Female (She/Her)
Species Cat/Human
Birthday June 17
Height 5'7
Orientation Asexual
Occupation Controller of Dark Forest

  • Rabbits
  • Climbing trees
  • Her brother & sister

  • StarClan & WindClan
  • Competitions
  • The warrior code


  • She has piebaldism
  • Was a WindClan warrior before death
  • Wants nothing more then to watch WindClan and the warrior code burn
  • Despite their violent death, Mayla and her siblings wounds can't be seen. Other's rumor she's able to hide them with her power

Design Notes

  • 3rd eye is optional 
  • Rather fluffy, but skinny tail
  • (Human) You can be drawn with elf ears if you want 
  • (Human) Her hair is shaved on both sides, so the long bit can be drawn to either side


                                (tw - Death, Abuse, Fire)

AshenDream, OlivePetal, and DustBird were born to the medicine cat of WindClan, MorningBreeze. The 3 kits didn't get much time to nurse from their mother before she handed them over to a grieving BlizzardMask, who's kits had all died beforehand.

Unluckily for the siblings, WindClan was a StarClan worship heavy clan, which caused the clan cats to intensely look down on the 3 for being both half-clan and a medicine cat's spawns. Even their foster mother would belittle them often, refusing them comfort or warmth that a mother would normally give. Though BlizzardMask's verbal abuse got to AshenKit as they got older, standing up to her for her siblings and self. This talking back only ever got BlizzardMask to lash out physically against AshenKit.

Even trying to talk and hear stories from the elders got them being belittled and shamed for showing their faces. Trying to play with other kits would get them dirty looks and being told off. The siblings' relationship only grew stronger as they only had each other while everyone else seemed against them.

Apprentice hood didn't get any better, AshenPaw tried her hardest to impress her mentor, SilverTree. AshenPaw overworked herself to try and prove her worth, doing way more work than asked of her. Despite this attempt, SilverTree never seemed impressed and the clan stayed stone-faced towards the siblings.

One night, AshenPaw had what she brushed off as a nightmare. She had found herself running from a wildfire only to have a massive looming holly bush in her path. Causing her to be engulfed in flames. Awaking with a gasping jolt, she found herself by her siblings still in her nest. AshenPaw decided to go out into the early morning to catch some prey and get her mind off the nightmare.

On her hunt she met a loner who had wandered rather close to WindClan territory. AshenPaw was going to run her off for her clan, but ended up talking to the loner, being informed the she-cat went by the name Holly. They talked for a while before AshenPaw smelled a patrol and ran Holly off.

Though this interaction stuck to AshenPaw like a bur, as it was the first time another cat, other than her siblings, had treated her normally. Rather than acting as if she was some creature like the rest of the clan did. She ended up staying quiet and not telling her siblings about the dream or the loner she met.

The next night AshenPaw found herself unable to sleep, she tossed and turned for a few hours before getting up and sneaking out of camp. Her mind was stuck thinking about this loner. She told herself it was because she was curious, but she knew it was only because Holly had made her feel accepted and comforted.

AshenPaw  left the familiar WindClan territory to find Holly. Getting herself lost, she does end up finding where the, now confused, loner lives. Holly and AshenPaw stay up together through the night and talk. AshenPaw curiously asks about the human trinket around Holly's neck, to which Holly explains it gives her a small amount of power to control time and a few other fancy tricks. This intrigues AshenPaw as she asks if she could be taught how to do suck tricks.

Holly left AshenPaw in silence for a good few awkward seconds before she agreed to teach her what she knew, she just asked for her to not get disappointed when nothing comes from it. AshenPaw eagerly agrees, gaining a new friend and mentor.

As their apprentice training went on, the siblings were starting to become concerned they would never become warriors, to their relief they were finally given their warrior assessment. Upon standing at one another’s side, the siblings felt truly at ease upon receiving their warrior names.

(To be continued being written . . .)

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