Nebu Ra Sargon (RWBY)



5 years, 3 months ago


  • Origin and Influence:

Nebu has been proven to be the Ancient Egyptian word for gold and Ra, god of the sun, is also often associated with it. Sargon is derived from and Akkadian name meaning ‘true king’. This points to the fact that his family were once apart of the founders of Vacuo, however were stolen from their innitial power.

Despite being named after Ra, Nebu is actually based on the god Resheph, the god of war and mainly: plague. He is also inspired by Tutankhamun, the young passed pharaoh. This is present in the name of his weapons as well as his "curse". Therefor he is themed as unfortunate, unlucky.

  • Color: 

Gold, the color usually associated with royalty and egypt.

  • Nicknames

Nebby, Bubu.

  • Age: 


  • Species: 


  • Appearance: 

Nebu Ra has a slightly yellowish tan, and gold-coloured spiked hair that reaches two spikes down his shoulder blades. He also has two bangs which usually block his vision greatly, which is why he uses a set of two hairclips in the shade of his symbol. He has an average build, standing 1m76 long and has dark grey eyes.

Nebu wears a beige top that leaves his midriff exposed, which flows into a cape, both parts ending with a red line. His stomach is however still protected by V-shaped armor, enhanced with earth dust, having cracks and  connection to still allow flowing movement.  On both upper and lower arms he has long golden bracelets. Under that he wears dull red, baggy pants with a rope serving as a belt. Under that he wears knee patches and shin armor. Lastly he wears a set of white sandals with earth dust infused soles.

  • Personality:  

Nebu Ra has never been the most positive of people, pessimistic, as bad luck seems to follow him wherever he goes. This was mainly caused by both himself in the form of his semblance, as well as the influence of his family. Giving in to the point of arrogance at young age, he didn’t know what else to. He however quickly changed his way, making him a much more humble person now. Nebu isn’t someone to brag, however he does not hide his wealth either. This makes others often think of him as a snob, as if he flaunts his fancy weapons and clothing, leading others to misinterpret that aura. Despite that, he couldn’t care less about his heritage, or anyone else’s for that matter.

Another thing coming from his heritage is a rather dull and lonely life, leading to a dull personality that hates to be alone. That being said, he still tends to have moments where he gets overly excited about things. Especially when introduced to new things. This excitement is really something he enjoys, and very often looks for that excitement.

  • Backstory:

Descendant of one of the founding fathers of Vacuo, one could say Nebu Ra has always had everything he’d ever ask for. His family was rich to no end thanks to the dust trading, his parents gave him lots of love and he had a couple of okay friends.

However this seems very much like an illusion. His parents are very arrogant when it comes to others, never having enough trust in fear to lose more power. His family dwells often on the past, and acts as if they are still in control of the kingdom. This lead to a great distance between him and his friends, unfortunately.

Him deciding to be a huntsman was mainly to escape the fate of turning into his parents, as well as to escape the dull life he’d been leading. His parents were anything but positive on this, but when Nebu Ra did not give up on the thought (something that hadn’t happened before), they let him go, thinking it was a good lesson for him.

  • Aura and Semblance:

Nebu Ra’s semblance is, to put is simple, bad luck. It's drenched in his aura and therefor uncontrollable, affecting everything and everyone around him. Because of the catastrofal concequences of its effects, his aura was sealed shut from birth by a powerful aura user. Unfortunately, it had already spread its roots into his aura, and still tends to cause accidents. Though not life threatening, they’re still present.

Some people in the family believe this semblance was actually a curse, coming from the family that took their throne ages ago. He however does not believe that statement, and sighs and nods when someone tells him sorry for his curse. Because of his stained aura, Nebu Ra is incapable, or rather forbidden, of using dust, saying it only makes his semblance spread more. However, his armour is enhanced with earth dust, believing it would absorb his aura, therefor decreasing the effects coming from it. The only moments he tends to use the dust, is those in his soles in rare occasions.

  • Weapon:

Nebu Ra possessed two identical sickles, referred to as Nefer, meaning goodness and beauty. The charms are the hieroglyph of that word, meant as good luck charms. The weapons themsels are armed with a bolt-action rifle each, the ammunition attached to the outer side of the blade, and the trigger hidden in the handle. The blades exist of multipositional parts, greatening the range a bit, as well as allowing Nebu Ra to handle it as a semi-sword in case the sickle shape wouldn’t suffice.

  • Fighting style:

Nebu’s fighting style is not exactly complicated. It’s shown to be more defensive than anything, intersepting and blocking attacks for his team mates, and other than that following orders without problem. Nonetheless he is a fast fighter, using the earth dust in his soles to give him a head start in sprint. Nebu Ra works well on both ranged and melee fighting, his weapons allowing him to switch effortless as well. When he attacks, his attacks are vicious, not because of the average power, but rather the speed he uses, that combined with a dual weapon can be anything but a pleasant experience.