Frio Morticia (~$25)



5 years, 12 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer


I would love to find a new home for this creature. I've had her for a while and she's a fun character, but I just don't have a proper place to use her.

Since I designed this character, I would love a USD offer (paypal/venmo/zelle), but I am also very happy to look at art offers. Try me with anything!

Old profile information under spoiler:

Name: Frio Morticia

Gender: Female (doesn't care what pronouns you use)

A real chaotic beastie. Unfortunately also the only being who's knowledgeable with old human technology too. Frio spent her entire life truly dedicated to the study of it, but that doesn't mean she's there to share that knowledge without seeking a price. She is a horrible businesswoman, however, and accidentally extremely altruistic with her knowledge. She has written and printed extensive textbooks about her research and will happily give you a copy of her newest textbook for even a single bite of good food.

Through writing and the work she's left behind as she moves across the world, has taught many others a lot about the obscure old tech she works with pretty freely, though. 

She, after some research and a couple of creative liberties, also also deduced that her name is written as such on a typewriter (excuse any typos from her very large feet): FRIOEGNERWBREIB. This was the first thing she ever typed on it too... she's thankfully a lot more skilled now, having written whole books and all.