


4 years, 11 months ago



She is definitely cocky and loves to brag about all her adventures. She gets easily flustered, having no idea how to react to deep love demonstrations, except for a deep blush and maybe a punch on the shoulder. The only tosk that broke that tough shell was Kokua.

Unlike most grunts Elixir is rather fit and skinny sice she just kept on training even after she left her home tribe. She has lots of scars.

Not the smartes, but the one with the biggest heart for sure.


She was born in a tough swamp tribe. She trained to be the greatest  warrior and the perfect hunter, growing able to track down any creature  she finds in her way. Elixir is incredibly strong and skilled with one  handed weapons, and LOVES to brag about it. She would usually swing them around or talk about how many creatures she had slained.

Elixir left for her rite at the usual age, feeling the urge to hunt and make a legend of her name. She soon found big paw steps that belonged to a Grinner, Wolrd's deadliest creature. She followed the creature for days, until one day she found it attacking another toskal. Elixir quickly jumped to action and saved Kokua's life.

They both started to travel together, not getting along at first, but soon finding love in each other.


- Cocky smile.

- Flustered/ blushing.

- Awkward.

- Growling or roaring.

- Yawning.


- Scars on her body (Not on her ref, but please do).

- Her on a cub/ young stage.

- Her as an adult (Current ref).

- Her adult self with an adult Kokua(They are a couple).

- Dancing awkwardly with Kokua.

- NSFW with Kokua I guess? Not sure how I feel about this one... But Kokua is bottom :D

- Her adult self training a teenage Subira.

- Her adult self with teenage Rasmus.

- Either naked or dressed.

- Whatever fits her personality and all above.