Fionn Prisca



5 years, 2 months ago




NAME fionn prisca-sinclair
SPECIES coccinillisapien
AGE 29 years
HOMEWORLD daoirchlasta
OCCUPATION assistant
STATUS married


an extraordinarily intelligent coccinillisapien who once served as an aide to the ambassador of daoirchlasta, a harsh and semi-habitable planet governed by tradition. fionn is fussy, squeamish, and very easily panicked with a habit of overthinking to the point of scaring himself. despite this, he has a strong sense of duty and is ultimately brave when he reasons that there is no one else to see a dangerous task through. though easily overlooked, fionn is privy to precious information passed between high-ranking officials through him. during a multi-planetary diplomatic conference, fionn met and fell in love with danger sinclair, a celebrity from the enemy planet arathes. fionn's commitment to order and protocol was no match for true love, and the two continued to meet in secret after. against the laws of their worlds, they were eventually married and went into hiding as fugitives.

sweets and desserts, peace and quiet, busy cities
cold weather, bugs, deep water



fionn is a coccinillisapien, a furry humanoid with various insect-like traits and three fingers to each hand. fionn's fur is chartreuse and he has large, candy-apple red insectoid eyes, two heart-shaped antennae, and various rose-red spots and markings over his body. he stands at about 6' tall and has a chubby figure. he has a fringe of hair on his head that he keeps combed over his left eye. his right calf is missing and has been replaced with a silver prosthetic. he dresses cleanly and professionally, and often leaves his midriff bare.


  • though extraordinarily intelligent, fionn's knowledge is mostly encyclopedic and he isn't particularly streetwise. this leads to him getting hurt far more than danger, despite being the more careful of the pair.
  • he is physically incapable of saying anything he knows isnt true, and will begin to stutter until he changes what he wants to say to the truth.
  • fionn was born with mobility-inhibiting nerve issues, making it harder for him to run and walk normally. this condition made it impossible to save his leg when he was shot.


in the former daoirsh exile colony of closh, fionn was born sickly unto parents he cannot remember. as a toddler, fionn proved himself to be remarkably intelligent, and at the age of four he was taken from home to be raised by the daoirsh regime. fionn's childhood as a ward of the regime was not much of a childhood- he was very sheltered, spending most of his waking hours studying. he learned about nature and biology, language and culture, physics and mathematics, every moment he was awake was dedicated to learning about the universe around him. he was not allowed a moment's rest until he was sixteen, when he was handed over to the royal ambassador if daoirchlasta to serve as her aide. as the ambassador's aide, it was fionn's job to complete tasks that could not wait. usually it was things as simple as pouring tea or crunching numbers, but sometimes the stakes were much higher. fionn was the ambassador's messenger, secretary, advisor, recorder, steward, planner- as such, lots of heavy information passed through fionn's hands on a daily basis. it was a responsibility he did not take lightly. for the next ten years, fionn served his mistress diligently, never letting a single detail slip through the cracks.

fionn met danger at a peace meeting with the prime minister of arathes. though fionn had seen her on posters and heard her over radio broadcasts on other planets, he'd never met her in person before. danger sinclair, though famous the galaxy over, was not very well known on daoirchlasta. after the chairs had been pulled out and the drinks had been poured, fionn had been instructed to wait outside for further instruction. not ten minutes later, danger joined him. danger spoke first, fionn responded, and that was where it began. it started with fascination. danger would follow the daoirsh ambassador from planet to planet hoping to run into fionn again. fionn pretended to find it annoying the first few times, but in the end he could not hide his endearment. the two fell in love, and fionn's regard for professionalism dissipated when danger was around. they went on like this for three years, ducking behind pillars and into empty offices. eventually the shadows were no longer enough to hold their love and the couple married in secret, with only fionn's kind-hearted mistress bearing witness. three days after the wedding, on the night of a galaxy-wide peace conference, the ambassador was assassinated in front of fionn. panicked and afraid, he ran to danger and the two were caught together by the staff of the prime minister of arathes.

the two escaped on the deceased daoirsh ambassador's ship, but not unscathed. fionn was shot in the leg, an injury he would ultimately lose his calf to. danger is a figure of great influence on arathes, and fionn is witness to some of the most heavily restricted information on countless worlds. on top of that, the ambassador's killer had intended for fionn to die too. the incentives on their heads are stacked high, leaving little for the couple to do but move forward.

fionn's other half

61844b5b7bde239650788b23526b5a9a29c32d9b danger sinclair

danger has the sort of intelligence that one could only be born with. she's crafty, quick, and strong-minded, traits that fionn admires but finds himself lacking in. it is that intelligence that makes fionn feel whole beside danger. danger, it seemed, had seen everything and everything she had to say dazzled fionn. fionn is very easily panicked while danger is as marble, unrelenting and fearless. her presence alone is the only thing that can put fionn's frantic mind to rest. he absolutely adores her, but, verbose as he is, he often struggles to find the words to express it.

everybody wants to rule the world

code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: me || pinterest