$300-400 (negotiable)



4 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer
$300 - $400

Basic Info

Contains implications of:

neglect, abuse





Iselilja Ilse Eline Hagen

English · Dansk (Jysk) · Suomi

Nickname(s) rozelle, liliya, lili
Age 22
Ethnicity Danish-Finnish
Gender female
Occupation “S-e-c-r-e-t!”
Height 173 cm


  • Intimacy.
  • Sweets.
  • Pastries.
  • Coffee.
  • Seafoods.
  • Literature.
  • Horror Movies.
  • Ice Skating.


  • Mother.
  • Getting teased.
  • Feeling lonely.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • Summer.
  • Pigeons.
  • Needles.


  • Loves coffee to the point she has her own stash of personally made blends.
  • Can play the guitar.
  • Used to figure skate competitively, until the age of fifteen.
  • She loves skinship, and tends to be clingy and affectionate towards people she's close with.
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❝ look at this tangle of thorns. ❞

frisky blunt assertive

A girl who's softhearted yet determinedly hardy. Her charitable and gentle aura tends to create a happy atmosphere around her, which makes her fairly popular.

In contrast to her blunt personality and tendency to snap at people, she is actually noted to be quite fragile and delicate.

continue reading

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A child born out of wedlock to the once famous figure skater, Felix Marcus Ib Hansen. The birth of Rozelle had caused numerous uproars within the media, reasons mainly being the fact that she was the aftermath of a one-night stand. As a result, he married her mother in hopes of having the commotions die down.

Initially only being seen as a burden by her mother, she soon sought out to exploit her own daughter after realizing that she may have the same athletic capacities as her own father. Soon, Rozelle was made to start training at the age of three. This was often done by her mother against her own will, usually getting punished if she disobeyed what she wanted—which resulted in the neglect and abuse she experienced under her mother. Her father was often away from home due to his career, until she turned six.

When her father caught whiff of the treatment his daughter faced, he filed for a divorce. The commotion that initially died down surrounding the athlete had returned, and was further amplified by the news of his divorce. Afraid that the media would bother his daughter, he underwent a name change, also changing her surname in process. They've left the capital and returned to his hometown for a much more peaceful life. The figure skater who had been deemed as a living legend had now fully “vanished” without a trace from the figure skating world, along with his daughter.

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I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.

Current life

From the age of six, Rozelle lived sans a mother for most of her life growing up, which led to her and her father to develop a close parental bond. Shortly before entering high school, a decision was made to send her overseas in order to attain better education.

Unbeknownst to her, the sole reason behind his decision to send her away was due to a rumor that the “vanished” figure skater was spotted in Jutland. Wanting to give her a peaceful life, he sent her abroad; this was also another reason as to why he couldn't visit her, fearing that he may be tailed.

For all the years she's attended in high school, even up until her graduation, her father has failed to visit her in the flesh. With the unshakeable feeling that she has been abandoned by him, further amplified by the fact that she was close to him, she has sought out various means to relieve her loneliness and to cope with her burgeoning sexuality, mainly through a series of flings and her tendency to be clingy towards those she holds dear.

Now, even as an adult, her debauched lifestyle from high school hasn't left her. If anything, she's found ways to indulge in it more; especially through the array of jobs she takes up in the redlight district.

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extra: pushing ladies' skating to a new era

Her mother was right to believe that she had the same athletic capacities as her father, if not more; introduced to the sport at age three, then trained in professional conditions at the age of four, and soon able to execute a number of challenging jumps requiring three revolutions at the age of ten. Just a month shy of her thirteenth birthday, she was already able to land her first quadruple jump.

Commended for her artistry, skill, flexibility, and speed, it's no surprise that she has never won a competition off the podium throughout her entire career. Her free skate programs tend to be renowned for their cathartic nature and/or emotional intensity.

Her indefinite hiatus from the sport had upset many, especially since she had earned a title in the figure skating world. This was at the request of her father, wanting her to finish her studies and to get ample rest. Aware of the harsh nature of the sport, he didn't want her to succumb too early to the problems majority of the athletes face. Though hesitant to take a break, she agreed on the condition that she be able to train competitively still, albeit without attending any competitions until she has finished.



Having initially met through a risqué encounter, the two formed an unlikely bond through running into each other often ever since. Most meetings often ended in intimacy, and was hardly without it. The unexpected meetings with him made her grow fond of him to the point of being in love in a short span of time.

While initially betrothed to someone else at the time of her confession, he has now broken it off due to his mutual attraction to her. As of the current, they're now going out with each other.

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Her best friend through thick and thin since her Freshmen year in high school. While the two often have petty squabbles with each other, it very rarely turns into something serious; in fact, their squabbles are a sign of how close they are. She's comfortable with sharing almost anything to Vincent, and vice versa.

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The Senior who took an interest and scouted her for their school's cheerleading team. With Yeonho's sassy nature and no-bullshit attitude, these two get along awfully well; to the point that most initially thought they were dating due to their strong emotional bonds.

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Luxor Ries

Best Friend

She met him through her friend Pierre, and while Luxor was initially uninterested in her, they're now quite close due to her stubbornness in getting him to talk with her. He fondly calls her auntie, and she has a habit of doting on him every now and then.

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Pierre Havier

Best Friend

Pierre is someone she met through her Philosophy major in college. He's a primary example of a life she could never imagine herself to live—a life controlled by her parents (mostly by her mother, in this case). Pierre was never one for interaction with others, but her constant prodding seems to have gotten them close.

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