Basic Info




Sheepies are female-only human-sheep animal hybrids that are genetically stable.  Selected for show and display more than for other livestock purposes, they produce very little wool at all from their bodies. However, their head-hair grows continuously, and can be used in place of wool, producing a soft and sturdy, high quality, long-fiber thread of whatever hair color the Sheepy had, allowing certain colored threads to be made without the need for color dyes. They can walk on two legs, or all four, and their particular habit of ambulation, usually determines whether Sheepy are shorn once, or twice a year, as their long hair can get in the dirt if it grows too long for their gait.

Sheepies are exceedingly curious, and will marvel at practically anything, which is a part of their charm. They are however, not very bright, and so it takes them a while longer to understand things, which some people find rather endearing. They are also gentle and highly affectionate, and tend to herd in small groups of 3-5, instead of vast flocks like regular sheep do (though, with many flocks pastured together, they do still follow the crowd). If not a part of a Sheepy herd, or a regular sheep herd, they will imprint onto nearby humans and will follow them everywhere, even to the bathroom! (The concept of privacy doesn't really seem to occur to them, though they can be trained to some extent.) 

Sheepies are more often used as companion animals and pets, than actual livestock, owing to the higher levels of maintenance necessary to keep them over regular sheep, and their lower productive output. They do have some advantages to being a part of livestock herd though, as they are more intelligent then regular sheep, can understand human speech (and communicate back with basic speech), and are able to be trained in a variety of ways.  There are a few shepherds that will keep a few Sheepy with their herds as a means to assist in herding and protecting the rest of their flocks, and instead of sheepdogs.

When not rapt in awe at the world around them, or curiously examining something new and trying to understand it, they will most often be found either eating, or lounging about (or following around a very busy human).  They especially like to lay on a carpet of green grass, in the shade, and nap. On cold nights, Sheepy will use their hair much like a blanket to keep themselves warm, and huddle together with the rest of their herd. They are primarily vegetarians, eating mostly the leaves, seeds, and fruits of herbaceous plants, though tree fruits and nuts are a favored treat. As pets, they love to eat salads with dressings.

Unique Traits:

Sheepy can have just about any skin tone and hair color as a human could, though predominately they have dark tan or olive skin, with pure white or silvery grey hair.  They grow wool collars on their necks and wool "socks" on their limbs, and most of the time, a couple other patches on their body as well. Usually they have only one color of hair, but rarely, they might have two different colors in patterns such as stripes, or spots. Very rarely, they can be born with human hands, and even more rarely, with human feet as well as hands, but most have cloven hooves on all four limbs instead.  This makes them rather dependent upon humans in order to engage with the human world. Their horns appear after 1 year, and can grow swept back with no curling, or curl around to the side, or bend point forward, or in any other manner that animal horns can grow naturally.  Rarely, they can grow two or three pairs of horns (a total of 4-6), or only stubby points instead of full horns.  Unlike real sheep, which mature after only about Eight Months, Sheepies mature much more slowly, after five years, and have a lifespan of up to 30 years, which is just over double the natural lifespan of real sheep.