
Ophelia Oleander

Quiet . Moody . Shy . Indecisive . Sweet

Called Ophi (her favorite nickname), Phelia
Gender Female
Age 20
Birthday/Zodiac sign June 25th/Cancer
Height 5'0" (barely)
Build Somewhat slender/lithe, pear-shape, A or B-cup, wide hips/long legs, typically big/squishy paws
Species Lioness
Occupation Idk yet?
Orientation Biromantic demisexual
Status Taken~
MBTI ISFJ - The Nurturer
Flower Oleander


  • Her friends
  • Cuddles
  • Stuffed animals
  • Her hoodie (It's a huge comfort to her)
  • Her hair
  • Art in general (Especially drawing, painting, clay sculpting, and digital art)
  • Collecting things (Especially stuffed animals, stones, seashells, and coins)
  • Sleeping
  • Music
  • Crocheting
  • Baking (Especially cupcakes)
  • Sweet things
  • Breakast foods (Especially crepes and waffles, they're amazing to her)
  • Fruit (Strawberries are probably her favorite! Closely followed by cherries, raspberries, blackberries, and kiwis)
  • Patches on just about everything (If it looks worn/has patches on it, she really loves it!)
  • Fixing/reusing broken or old things (She has to give them a new purpose!)
  • Animals in general (Though especially like birds, snakes, and tarantulas)
  • Tea
  • The night sky/stargazing
  • Rainy weather
  • The colors blue, pink, and purple
  • Dolls/repainting them
  • DIY projects (Especially making DIY slime, bath bombs and lava lamps haha)
  • Thrift stores/garage sales
  • Going on late night errand runs
  • Movie marathons
  • Sleepovers (They're just so fun!)
  • Pillow forts (She would happily live in one if she could)
  • Anything warm/cozy
  • Fancy baths (Like bubble baths, baths with bath bombs, candlelit baths, etc.)
  • Glitter
  • Aesthetic photography
  • Those satisfying video compilations on the internet?? (You know the ones?? Yeah, they soothe her a ton)
  • Sleeping in/huddling up in unconventional places (Like under tables, on the floor, between furniture and walls, etc.)


  • Getting anxious/depressed
  • Her indecisiveness
  • Crowds/busy places
  • Being around a lot of strangers
  • Most social gatherings (Like parties and stuff, unless they're small/with her friends)
  • Loud noises
  • Cars (Mainly riding/driving in them, she's really scared in them a lot of the time)
  • Hospitals/doctors (More just medical procedures like surgeries or shots, they really scare her)
  • Being without her hoodie
  • Not being able to cuddle with someone or something
  • Pizza (Really only with red sauce, it gets her stomach acting up, but white sauce pizza is fine!)
  • Getting nightmares
  • Being alone (Surprisingly)
  • Crying (Though it does help to soothe her when she's down)
  • Overly-cold weather/being cold in general
  • Showers (They just make her weirdly uncomfortable)
  • Black coffee
  • Deep water (She likes swimming, but only in water she can touch in, not being able to touch scares her)
  • Clothing she finds to be too restrictive
  • People thinking her markings are makeup/tattoos (They're not btw)
  • Pitch black skies at night (She doesn't like being unable to see the stars)
  • Cigarettes (She's really sensitive to the smoke in them, and it gets her really sick to be around them)
  • Big beds (At least when she's in them alone, they feel big and empty)
  • Itchy materials
  • Tights (They're really uncomfortable to her)
  • Throwing things away (Nothing is really trash to her, and she likes to find ways to reuse everything)
  • Being forgetful
  • Misplacing things
  • Making clumsy errors/mistakes
  • Being judged by others
  • Broken things/seeing things break (It makes her very uncomfortable)
  • Some insects (Like wasps, most cockroaches, earwigs, stink bugs, etc.)


Ophelia is a very... Interesting person, to say the least. Upon first meeting her, she is incredibly quiet, shy, pessimistic, and somewhat cold. She seems apathetic and distant to everyone around her, usually coming off as very tired in both a literal and figurative way, and often gets overwhelmed if she's forced into very social situations. She's very reclusive, and prefers staying inside with maybe a few friends, versus actively being out in public and mingling with crowds. She especially hates being approached by strangers, and tends to get very jumpy and nervous around them if she's not the one who initiates a meeting. She's pretty introverted and antisocial, but not completely incapable of being befriended. In fact, it can be a lot easier than most people expect. She's a very intuitive and observant girl, and is able to tell a lot about a person just from watching how they act from afar. When she's out in public being quiet and cold, it often means that she's just observing. She "assesses" people, in a sense, based on their mannerisms, and draws conclusions on them based on how she sees them act. Through these assessments, she's able to decide if she likes someone or not. If she's allowed the time to just quietly get to know someone's basic personality from afar, she more often than not finds herself liking them. Thus, another side of her starts to shine.

Once her barriers have been broken down, her true self shows through. She's still rather shy and quiet, but the cold and uncaring persona she puts off melts away completely. Underneath it, she's actually an incredibly sweet little cuddle bug of a person. She's very touchy-feely, and loves hugs and cuddles from the people she cares about. She has a very nurturing nature, and loves to help her close friends out in any way she can. She is highly generous, and has a tendency to make her friends gifts a lot, from baked goods to crocheted scarves and blankets to art pieces and DIY projects that they can decorate with. She's often referred to as the "grandma friend" because of this, as she has a tendency of spoiling people sometimes with all her homemade gifts. She can be surprsingly silly around her friends, which most people wouldn't expect! For instance, she's pretty dramatic and expressive a lot of the time in her mannerisms, having learned pretty well how to show what she's feeling without words. This part of her can lead to some pretty funny moments when she puts her expressiveness to the test in order to cheer others up. She can also get surprisingly talkative if her interests are mentioned in really any way, and can go on for hours about just how cool that latest DIY lava lamp project turned out being if people are interested. She loves being around small groups of people, and can really let loose and have fun in said small groups. Because of this little social side of herself while with her friends, she likes keeping herself busy with fun little get-togethers, such as having sleepovers, movie marathons, or late-night runs to stores or something similar when not a lot of people are there. She's also very imaginative, putting a lot of energy toward art and crafting projects to keep her very active mind occupied. Thanks to her very observant manner, she is pretty great at comforting others, as she has a way to tell exactly what a person may need to help at any given time. She's typically a pretty fanciful person, who enjoys expanding the little things she likes in life to all new levels.

However, with her good open side, there also comes her more relevant flaws. For one, she is incredibly indecisive. She has a very hard time making choices for herself, often having to consult with multiple people before she feels comfortable in her decision. She often feels as though she can't wait long with her choices, as it gives her too much time to think and get nervous if she does, but at the same time she's very bothered by having to give spur-of-the-moment thoughts. She's also very sensitive, and is prone to cry over even the pettiest of instances. She feels the need to try and please everyone so as to avoid bad judgement or upsetness from the people around her, so when she thinks she fails at this, she takes it very personally. She has a very hard time standing up for herself, and often gets swayed into very bad situations where she gets hurt because of it. Alongside her sensitivity, she has trouble with her moods in general. She suffers with anxiety and has some trouble with bipolar disorder, though more the depressive side than the manic side. Due to her anxiety, she can be very jumpy and skittish, sometimes getting scarily paranoid over whatever she's worrying about. She can be incredibly moody, her emotions switching at the drop of a dime some days, or staying relatively consistent on others. She does her best to maintain her emotions, getting help through them to the best of her ability, though sometimes they can get the better of her. When this happens and she's sent spiraling into a low point, her personality can shift quite drastically. She gets more reckless and apathetic, and often engages in behavior that can get her hurt without care. She can get INCREDIBLY vindictive in this state over petty things, even moreso than usual, and has a habit of getting an attitude with the wrong people, which often lands her with at least a nosebleed. She's a tad masochistic, so this really doesn't help her at all. Usually, when she's at her worst, she tries to pretend that she just wants to be left alone when she really doesn't. People often catch on and stick with her, which helps her feel happier. With the support of the people around her, she can rise above even the toughest times and feel better once more.

Design Notes

  • Her markings are NOT optional! This includes all her face markings, they are NOT makeup!
  • However, while they are not optional, they can be flexible! For instance, the coloration of her eyeshadow/tear design by her left design can be tweaked slightly for style! So long as the colors/color placements are similar, I don't realy care!
  • In general, I'd typically like her to be drawn in a kinda pouty/upset way! However, you can have total freedom with how you choose to portray her, so long as it fits her personality!
  • She has a few pets!! These include her galah Rose, her lavender corn snake Amethyst, and her cobalt blue tarantula Sapphire! If you're up for it, you can totally draw her with any or all of her pets!
  • She can have an optional septum piercing! It's fake, and she never actually pierced her septum, but she likes wearing it sometimes! So if you want to draw her with one, so ahead! She also has those round gauge-like piercings in both ears, though their design can be flexible!
  • In general, just try to stay with her reference and keep her consistent! However, don't be afraid to stylize her to fit you!
  • Her nails are painted black on all of her paws, so don't forget this when drawing her!
  • Don't be afraid to colorpick from her palette when drawing her! That's totally okay!
  • If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!





Ophelia's loving boyfriend! She loves Pandora dearly, and is easily the closest to him out of anyone else she knows! The two can often be found cuddling and just generally being cute together, and they realy love each others' company! Ophi really loves just cuddling up on the couch with Pandora and watching him play video games, though sometimes she likes to get involved, too! Overall, the duo is practically inseparable, and they definitely love each other bunches! <3 <3 <3




Ophelia and Buttercup are really close friends! They've been pals since they were kids, and have grown inseparable over the years! They have a lot of the same interests, and love to work together crafting the latest DIY project or testing out the latest recipes! Ophi is absolutely in love with Buttercup's plushies, and Buttercup adores her doll repainting and crocheting works, so they often trade each other for their works. Alongside this, they often love going on double dates with their boyfriends, which is always fun!


Character Name


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