Musei Kikomori [GO]



4 years, 9 months ago


It takes place in this fanfiction (only in french for the moment), 4 years after GO Galaxy, so OG Hiroto is in his 30's
Kikumori Musei
11 y.o
139 cm

Smol bean


Musei is a light blue haired and brown khaki eyed boy. When he was a baby, his rich, powerful but careless parents made a big mistake that resuulted in him becoming mute. As he reached 3 and still didn't show sign of ability to talk, they didn't dig deeper and just assume that he was an autistic child, which means dumb for them. But having a disabled child was a shame for the family, so they locked him up and mistreated him harshly. His only solace was one of the maid that was actually taking care of him; and the old neighbourg's where he could go when his parents weren't home and the nice maid was on duty. It was this man who teached him how to read and how to comunicate with his hands.

One day when he was at his neighbour's, his parents came earlier than expected. They discovered the truth and to get rid of him, they hold him responsible for Musei's poor state and accused him of pedophily. They also fired the maid and did all that they could so that she wouldn't be able to find work anymore.

Two years later, when he reached 8 years old, a maid that was bringin him his meal forgot something and left the basement door open. He didn't think about it twice and just rushed to the nearest exit that wasn't too hard to open, a window. Hours later, some hunter found him in the forest surrounding the house, huddeled up, cold and weak. They took him to the nearest police station and then to the hospital. Since his parents didn't search for him legally, the police didn't kow whose kid he was, so he was placed at Ohisama En. Two months later, while they where searching for him, their car collided with some wild animal an they died instantly, but Musei will never know that.

He still has scars for his past, he's scared of people and found it hard to chat with other because of his mutism, but he find a fatherly figure in Hiroto, and he's taking care of Musei like he's his son. He personally learned the sign language to teach him so Musei could finally communicate with other. Now he's less scared and is truly attached to Hiroto but the deep dark night still brings horrendous memories...


  • He has big dark rings under his eyes
  • He likes flowers a lot, he even has Hiroto's help to garden in Ohisama En's greenhouse.
  • He blushes easily, but most of the time only his ears do. When he's truly embarassed, His nape also turns red.
  • He often makes nightmares but thanks to the alien doughnut that Hiroto gave him, it's easier to go back to sleep.

*Oh, I know this flower! it's a chrysanthemum!*