
Conley's an androgynous dude that's into music, baggy jackets, and just generally likes to have a good time. He's rather prone to daydreaming, and likes to hop on the train, bus, or subway, listen to his music and just zone out for a while before exploring wherever he ends up. Does this get him into trouble sometimes? Absolutely. Does he just buy a new canister of pepper spray and carry on? Hell yeah. He's sweet as a peach, but he's not a pushover fact he is scary in that he'll threaten someone threatening him right back with the most horrendous things while smiling sweetly at them. Usually he's left alone after that...

So, a fun fact about Conley is that he's a phoenix. This isn't really common knowledge, in general phoenixes keep things hush-hush so folks only know on, well, a need to know basis. This contributes a lot to his nonchalant attitude about getting into trouble and his fiery personality though. He's not really scared of trouble at all since he'll be back once the sun rises. Despite this, he does give his friends and adoptive family quite a few scares on a rather frequent basis. He always promises, though, that he will be back.