Cosette Wolfe



4 years, 10 months ago



Full Name
Cosette Estella Wolfe

Called Cosie, Coss


D.o.B. Feburary 23rd


Sexuality Lesbian


Height 4 ft 11 inches


Alignment Neutral Good

Eleanor Rigby

CSS Pinky


Designer Jingleabelle

This is such a work in progress but shall get updated later :D


Friendly Reserved
Polite Sassy
Mature Childish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Clever Foolish
Hopeful Pessimistic
Cautious Reckless
Diligent Lazy
Organized Messy
Serious Humorous


  • ballet
  • music
  • being with her friends
  • collecting snowglobes


  • fire
  • disappointing her grandparents
  • three
  • four




No one knows how the fire started. Some say it was an accident. Others suspected foul play from an unknown lover of Alison Chandler. Whatever the case was, on December 13th, Charissa Chandler’s life as she knew it would change forever. Charissa never recalled much about her mother, only the faint memories of her smile. Though from the amount of people who attended the funeral, she suspected she held some importance in the town of Wysteria. It hadn’t taken long for her grandparents lay claim upon her, the child’s father was absent in her life. Even if he had, his attempts would have been hushed by the Chandler family influence. The whole world knew of Marilyn and Vincent Chandler; the CEOs of Chandler Industries. It was the only company to produce a Virtual Reality simulation (named Acedia) so immersive that it felt as if the real world didn’t matter. By the age of five, Charissa was already featured in commercials for Acedia.

To say her grandparents were overprotective of little Charissa would be an understatement. There was an overwhelming sense of anxiety that came with watching over their only granddaughter. The last thing Marilyn ever wanted was for her to share the same fate as her mother. The house staff was required to keep a close eye on the child, and as time progressed, Marilyn insisted that Charissa be privately tutored, for both an enhancement of education and for safety concerns. To avoid feeling like a songbird in a porcelain cage, Charissa began taking dance classes in town. While preparing for her weekly ballet class, Charissa was ran into by a transfer student. One that would soon become her best friend.

Of Friendships and Young Love

While Ivy dropped out of ballet after age eight, Charissa and Ivy remained the closest of friends. They often had sleepovers at the Chandler Manor and after much begging, her grandparents even allowed her to stay the night at Ivy’s (after interrogating the girl’s mother on the phone for hours). Ivy felt like an escape for Charissa, away from the prestigious life she lived between her grandparents’ galas and business events. When the girls reached middle school, Charissa was introduced to Ivy’s friend group; Piper Faucher and Ryan Hsu. The group of friends were fascinated by the supernatural spent most of their time in the local library reading old ghost story tales. At one point they tried to play Bloody Mary in Ivy’s bathroom, and to this day the group is convinced her house is haunted. By the time high school came around, the group’s love of mystery and things paranormal never left.

Romance was something that hit Charissa like a swift rock. She was a rather hopeless romantic, finding herself getting lost in novels in which everything played out perfectly for the couple. She had shared her first kiss with Ivy when the two had a sleepover at age thirteen. Though they never dated, it was clear the two had feelings for one another. However, when high school came around, everything changed for the young redhead. While attending a Wysteria High football game with the gang, Charissa had snuck away briefly to get some Mac and Cheese bites to share with Ivy and Piper. While walking to the line, she managed to loose her balance, sending her flying into a cheerleader from the opposing school, Boleyn Hall. After mumbled apologies, Charissa found out the girl’s name was Lilith Hathaway, who pays for her food and convinces her to sit with her while the teams were on break. A few weeks later, the two were officially a couple despite the protests from her friends who claimed Lilith was nothing but trouble.


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Fusce accumsan egestas consequat. Quisque interdum est at vehicula tristique. Morbi eu mauris ac turpis ornare scelerisque eu a nibh. Etiam lectus massa, dignissim ut dignissim et, condimentum vel augue. Mauris sed lectus eget arcu dapibus hendrerit. Ut eleifend quam feugiat, cursus velit non, congue lectus. Nulla tristique sagittis iaculis. Sed porta urna sit amet nulla eleifend elementum.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan.
  • Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec.
  • Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



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