Opal Aarudi



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Mixed Race (1/4 tiefling, 1/4 red dragon, 1/2 human)


Fire Socerer (Red Draconic Bloodline)


Chaotic Good




Feminine NB




5ft 6 inches


Cinnamon the Tressym


Purifier of Ivory Vale / Sorcerer trying not to explode

Theme Song

Die in a Fire


Fire, Shackles, Stars, Space, Dragons, Books



Opal comes across as fairly confident, almost a bit scattered brained. They have a strong interest in all things related to magic, and yearn for a knowledge of all things magical. They will go to any means to learn more about magic. They particularly enjoy going to libariries, however is overly aware they are extremely flamable.
They have explosive, uncontrollable fire magic that makes them fairly self-conscious and afraid to get close to others, as they've struggled to get close to others in the past. Because of this, she deals with being alone fairly well, and can be very independent.
They really love cats, and their best, and used-to-be only friend, is a tressym by the name of Cinnamon.
Opal used to give strangers the benefit of the doubt, however this is being tested and they are becoming more and more anxious around those they do not know. They are becoming increasingly more anxious and overwhelmed by the events plaguing Ivory Vale, particularly around the news that the Fae Wilds are being ravaged by war. 

Cats, Potions, Magic, Magic books, Old books, Arte-facts, Places with magical connotations, learning, reading, warm drinks, coffee, bacon

Forgetting things, Being alone, wet weather, water, secrets, hurting others, dark forests with no sunlight


Under a spoiler tag to protect from people in the campaign.

Opal lived in Brighty Rise in the north, near the mountains mostly known for their high dragon population.
Initially, Opal’s dads wanted them near Andrith, so he could teach Opal about draconic magic, and the weird tattoo Opal inherited. After a large magical event at age 7, in which Opal has no memory of what happened besides waking up in her home with Myles caring for them, not feeling great. This magical outburst ignited her second soul, a draconic form that is the source of Opal's magic and is her own being, who named herself Ruby. 

Stefan moved her and Maldos to Darkwell. Darkwell is a reasonably sized town in the south. He wanted to then raise Opal as a normal child, scared of the magic that she’d inherited and theossibilities of it. He didn’t admit it to Maldos, but he is extremely scared of Andrinth, and Maldos and Andrith don’t have the best relationship anyway. They both talked and decided it was for the best for Opal.
Opal attended a school in Darkwell, and the town is mostly inhabited by humans, but has a strong tiefling population as well. They went to school here and struggled to make friends as they’d often accidentally burn them. As Opal ages, their magic gets stronger.

At age 13, Ruby makes a minor appearance while Opal is out exploring, and they wake up in a burning forest, confused and dazed, a days worth of travel away from home. They try not to let anyone know about this and don’t understand what happened at all. They try to play it off as they got lost to their dads, but Opal’s clothes are somewhat burnt, so….
At age 15, Opal found a tiny tressym kitten, which they thought was just a winged cat. Upon finding some books in the local library, they discovered it was a tressym, and raised it. Stefan and Maldos thought it was a great thing, as they were extremely worried about Opal’s magic and inability to keep anyone close to them. She named the cat Cinnamon, and they became quick best friends.
At this point, Opal’s magic is manifesting a lot more violently, with more frequent outbursts of fire here and there.
At age 16, Opal has another explosive episode with magic. They were studying late in the library, and read something that angered Ruby, who then burst out of their chest. Opal woke up inside the library as it burnt around them. Maldos found them and pulled them out. No one saw the draconic form of Ruby, but the townspeople around were not happy, as the library was completely destroyed. It was then when Opal really started to feel scared and confused, and the drive to figure out their magic was even stronger. They and their father agreed they needed to leave in order to find out more about magic. However, Maldos explained to them not to seek out their grandfather, as he is extremely dangerous, manipulative and cunning. Opal took this to heart, and looked for other sources.

So from ages 16-19, Opal is traveling with Cinnamon, looking for knowledge on magic. They have a handful of Ruby outbursts, which they always wake up confused from, and somewhere different to where they were before. They took up some jobs here and there as well to learn a keep, and would trade various herbs etc they found for money to keep themselves going. Anywhere slightly magical was of interest to them, from libraries (which, they get nervous about going into and don’t like spending a lot of time there anymore), to magical forests, ancient ruins, etc.
Just before the campaign, it’s been a while since Opal’s last magical fire outburst and they’re feeling a little more confident in themselves.

Current Adventure 
Under a spoiler tag because it's long.

After an incident at a concert, Opal has found herself hired by the Purifiers of Ivory Vale to work alongside them. She has been teamed up with Yedda, a human Druid, Yarrow, a human cleric, and Ingrid, a half-orc ranger. She is interested to use a Ivory Vale’s resources to research magic more. After a trial to test the team's capabilities, Opal and her team succeeded. Opal was interested in the sword that was used in the trail, curious of its origins. They went to Isla, the leader of Ivory Vale, and was met with avoidance, making Opal suspicious. Opal's party was invited to a party run by Treble to celebrate them joining Ivory Vale. The party seemed fine at first, but quickly turned sour. Yedda discovered that some of the guests were off, and the party quickly found holes in the guests memories regarding a team that was banished. Ingrid discovered a photo of the team, and the four of them are now trying to figure out what to do with this new information.
Upon completing their first real mission, Opal has started to bound with the other party members. However, they have continued to discover issues within Ivory Vale itself, with several individuals reporting on missing memories, information vanishing from books, and the leader of Ivory Vale herself avoiding certain topics.
Opal has found herself with keen interest in information on the possessors, the main thing Ivory Vale was created to deal with, which attach themselves onto victims, causing harm to the victims and those around them. Opal has found herself wanting to learn more about where they go when the leader of Ivory Vale deals with them, and how she avoids bounding them to their plane, instead sending them to another. Opal found a oddness in the way that the leader had previously bound a possosser to a sword, and keeps this safe from hurting others, yet will not do this for other possosors, stating it is "too dangerous" and "too draining" which was not the full truth. Opal and her team have been travelling to a large city, and accidentally caused a large fire there, which gathered the attention of Sel's sister, who hounded Opal for information. Eventually it was revealed Sel's sister was in kahoots with the anti-Isla thing, and the team spoke with her in lengths over it.
The team then went with Ingrid, to her home, and found themselves in a pickle - Ingrid and Yedda had a falling out that almost cost the entire team, and it was revealed to the party that the issues in the woods between the Reach involve a war in the Fae Wilds with demons. Opal themself has become extremely concerned with the matter, and spoke to Isla immediately when returning to the Ivory Vale Purifiers headquarters, rambling to Isla to convince her to put far more energy into this matter than current matters. Much to Opal's surprise, Isla seemed interested in assisting. The team almost broke up again with a fight between Yarrow and Ingrid, stressing Opal out on where they could possibly go if fired. Luckily, the issue resolved, but resulted in Isla knowing that the party knew that she was lying about things and hiding stuff behind their backs. A mutual agreement was made for Isla to be honest with the party, if the next quest goes well.
The next adventure involved dealing with possessors within a mansion designed for dragon parties, something Opal was not so keen on. After fighting some paintings come to life, the party realised the new owners of the manison did not want to continue the dragon party tradition. The gold dragon who accompanied them was confused by this, and eventually discovered that the dragons had a funeral for the previous owners of the mansion, without the new owners, the daughter of them, knowing. Opal had some grating conversations with the gold dragon, despite her better judgement and trying to not get under his skin. After Opal confronted him, he mentioned that Opal surely had to be related to Andrinth, which Opal has not stopped thinking about since, making their skin crawl with the implications.
Some reprise was needed and the party had a birthday party for Yedda, after discovering that she hadn't had one. Opal put a lot of thought into this instead of everything else overwhelming them for a day, and gifted Yedda a custom jacket by Tensei.
The next event on the calendar in Ivory Vale was the infamous Blood Moon Festival, which is Opal's favourite holiday. They spent quite a bit of time with the party and convinced Yarrow to dress up, who was adamant she didn't need to. On the morning of the Blood Moon festival, Yedda's prank was to cover the headquarters in vines filled with gourds, disrupting Treble's party plans.
The group spent the morning tidying up the area, Yedda summoning goats and fire to deal with it while Ingrid and Opal cut up jack'o'lanterns. The party started later that afternoon, with Treble's party seemingly going well. Matsume was one of the few people not dressed up, and Yarrow gave Matsume her vampire cloak to dress her up, much to Opal's delight. Eos commented on how the team had been struggling to adjust to life at headquarters, while the blood moon rose and an eagle from Ingrid's old employer, the Reach, came bearing a black tie, alerting to an urgent matter. The team was summoned to help save the town, which was under attack by a massive monster. Quickly the team figured out that the huge skeleton was not directly hurting anyone, but making people disappear, and seemed to grow when given information. Some running around, and Yarrow was avoiding questions from the monster as a distraction, and ended up disappearing into thin air.

General notes when drawing:
- chubby figure, is fairly busty
- she generally doesn't show her chest / shoulder areas / back- the main reference shows as much of that area that shes comfortable showing
-lighter purple stretch marks on her upper arms, thighs and stomach

Do -
- play with outfits and hair styles
- play around with their motifs
-exaggerate their draconic features/nature

Do not - 
- draw them thin, their body type is hourglass shaped but very chubby around their chest, arms, stomach
