


4 years, 8 months ago


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John Homelander

John Homelander
54 years
203cm / 6'8ft
Male (He / him)
Golden retriever

Design Notes

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.



Supervillain Fights

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Greatest Strength

His greatest strength is his versatile set of abilities combined with his quick wit.

Greatest Weakness

Vestibulum scelerisque elit vitae facilisis pretium. Integer et augue neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Lv. 50 Supe
Lawful Neutral
Proficiency one
Proficiency two

Heat Vision

Ultra-powerful heat vision that can cut through almost anything and melt strengthened metal.

Supersonic Flight

Fly faster than the speed of sound. Useful for getting to locations quickly. Homelander's agency not responsible for damages of sonic booms.

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Positive Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Neutral Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Negative Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.


Others' Perception


Friends see him as a hardworking and dedicated man who is intelligent and has big ideas for how to make the world better.


Strangers see him as a very powerful legendary hero and worship the ground he walks on.


He is his enemies greatest nightmare, an absolute demon of a foe who can and will crush evil with extreme force.

"I'm the Homelander and I have big plans for all of you."

Vought created Homelander like every other Supe, and he was raised in a special foster family who groomed him to be exactly the hero Vought wanted. He was exposed to superhero media as a young boy, like Captain America and Superman and had an ultra-patriotic father. He was specially trained to use his powers young and mastered his incredible abilities quickly. He grew into a patriotic and noble hero, even though he remained a bit secretive and manipulative when he sees it as necessary for the greater good. Vought has him leading the Seven and he is a better person than in canon because he actually had a good childhood.

Homelander holds him team to a higher standard than in canon and puts a lot of focus on keeping up appearances. He can still be broody and angry at times but in this AU it's because he realizes how corrupt America and even Vought is. He is secretly planning to rid the Seven of the members he doesn't like, expose Vought, and take over the company for himself. He wants to revolutionize the superhero industry to be more like supersoldiers and less like celebrity public defenders.

In my superhero story AU version of Homelander, his mother was an astronaut working up in the space station hiding the fact that she was pregnant so she'd be able to go on the mission she trained her whole life for. While up in the space station, the station was blasted with strange radiation from a passing meteor falling to the States. The station was damaged by the energy wave and all crew were evacuated back to their countries. All crew fell horribly ill, their bodies mutating and their existing powers being boosted to more than their bodies could handle. Some developed new powers and their bodies rejected them. Many died slow and painful deaths, and only a few were able to be saved and studied. Homelander's mother was somehow okay, her fetus absorbing the extra power and sending Stem cells to heal the mother.

When Homelander was born, it was clear his meta powers were off the charts and he quickly began to show signs of many different powers, not just the maximum of two. His mother died the same way her other crewmates did a few months after giving birth; her son's stem cells no longer helping to save her. The baby was named John and placed with a trusted foster family specially qualified to supervise the young John's powers. His foster father was a wounded military veteran who told him old war stories and convinced him to follow the path of a Superhero. His mother was a caring woman who taught at a private school for kids with special powers and needs.

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John went to a special school for aspiring heroes during his college years and met an exchange student from Leosid. This foreigner was a tall, strong, and handsome lion named Bakari. He was a few years older than John and came from SHI, the best hero school in the world, but still needed to go this school's program to be certified in the states. Bakari and John were the most powerful in their class and constantly competed against each other in friendly competition and shared life stories and philosphies. Bakari helped pick John's hero name of Homelander while Bakari's hero name is Pride.

Pride and Homelander started up as heroes together and with their incredible abilities, they quickly rose up the charts together. Homelander was able to start his own hero agency, while Pride went back home to deal with a reign of terror of villains on his homeworld. They still stay in touch, team up for large scale operations, and meet up at hero conventions all over the system.

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Pride's country's philosophies and hero organization inspired Homelander's key drive in life, which is getting American heroes into the military. Even from his childhood, Homelander remembers his foster father's war stories and argues in favor of putting supes in the military to protect their fellow troops and bring down the hammer on villainy, terrorism, and dictators.

Homelander is currently still the number one hero in the States, leading his own agency with a great team of fellow heroes and sidekicks. He's well admired by his fellow heroes and citizens alike. He seems to be a bit of a lonely man not having many close attachments, although he's had many female companions over the years. His longest term relationship is the long distance relationship he's had with Bakari. Homelander trusts Bakari more than anyone else because they've known each other since they started as heroes.

Homelander is a famous hero and public figure, and so most people who get close to him do so for their own benefit. He can hardly trust anyone because of his position and tends to be wary even of genuine people. Once he does get close to someone, he will protect them with all his might.

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