Rudi's Comments

would you be open to art offers for this guy? :) /genq

oh mb i forgot to add what I prefer for him! I'd def be open to art offers! :3

omg yay! you have some of the cutest characters ever, id love to offer a two fullbodies for this guy... or maybe a fullbody and a custom if youre interested? :)

oh also also, if youd ever be interested in doing a custom trade or something i would be sooo down

thank youu! I'd love if you could draw Morf and Shortcakemon! (I can change either of them if you need or if you want you can choose who you want to draw so long as it's not someone ufo or in wip ᴖᴥᴖ) 

and I'd absolutely loove to do a custom trade with you! I'm doing a trade with someone else right now but I'll let you know when I'm finished with that one and then I'll be ready to do one with you when you are! :D 

alrighty, those should be fine but I'll let you know if I end up having trouble with those picks or anything!!

and yayy!! obvi no rush I've also got some owed things I need to catch up on myself, but just wanted to put the offer out there while I was thinking about it :) excited!!

I'm ready to do a trade whenever since I finished my other design trade last night ^^

4 Replies

all done yippee!!! i hope you likey!!

eee! i absolutely adore the art! thank you so much! just send Rudi over now! :3

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aww thank youu! I'm sure he would love getting a lil kiss on the forehead ´꒳`