Termen (mlp)



4 years, 9 months ago


Value = ~600pts

Name: Termen
Gender: Male
Species: Changeling Dragon hybrid
Family: Garble and Ocellus (parents)
Physical Appearance: Termen lacks the ability to breath fire or change appearance that his parents have. He walks solely on all fours like a changeling, and is quite large, about equal to King Thorax. His wings are leathery and opaque, and he has a hard shell that can cover his wings like most changelings, but he usually prefers to keeps his wings out. The fin that run from his head down his neck is slightly transparent (for reference, about 60%), the the spikes along his back and tail are opaque.
Personality: Termen is an adventurous and fun loving young hybrid, often exploring whenever he gets the chance. He has a deep love for both of his parent's races, dragons and changelings, and sometimes struggles with having to pick one. His plan is to become an embassy and bridge between the two races, which don't always see eye to eye.