Basic Info


Volthur is currently being reworked so the information below may not be accurate anymore.


More than your life. Don't ask for him. C:


Yes, I do own this big boy. Proof is here;

I had been wanting a yellow/purple/blue electric dragon for a while now, but every design I made just wasn't right, so the moment I saw this handsome man- I was in love and knew I had to get him. Honestly was very surprised he wasn't taken yet??? I mean he's so P R E T T Y how can you NOT want him?!? D:


I'm thinking of naming him 'Varthur'.

Stereotypical 'V' sound for electrical dragons, and a play on the name 'Arthur'.

Named after both King Arthur and 'Arthur Morgan' from RDR2 cause I love that fucking yeehaw man so much. Been wanting to name a character Arthur for a while and this boy deemed best due to what I have in store for him.


Thinking of making him some 'fallen king' sort of character, hence the name tie to King Arthur. Cause you know; king stuff.

Instead of the whole 'power made me evil mwahahaha' stereotypical backstory, I'm thinking its more of a tragic tale; he tried to protect his kingdom from some evil, but his own '''evil powers''' (dark/shadow element) that he was born with was manipulated and used against him and he couldn't control it, resulting in his own downfall which lead to the kingdom's downfall as well. His subjects were always suspicious of him due to said powers/element and because of this, the few that remained after the downfall chased him off, as he refused to fight those he once loved (because lets face it; this boy is too handsome and pretty NOT to have a heart of gold and be a good boy king).

He now spends his days living in the hope of redemption; by caring for lost and abandoned eggs and raising the hatchlings to be good and just, as he believes he had once been when on the throne. 


Got the idea for this while listening to Coldplay's 'Viva la Vida'. Go figure.