


4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info






February 11


Asexual & Heteroromantic


Male [he/him, doesn’t mind they/them]








85 lbs.

Relationship Status




Theme Song

LawnReality - Cold Nights

Favourite Food

If bubble tea were counted as a food, it would be bubble tea.

Favourite Colours

Black, yellow

Lucky Number



Note: Mars' character was designed by Bottomtiti on DeviantArt and acquired by me through a character trade. Neither his design nor his reference were made by me.

~ General ~

Appearance ⇴image0.jpg


~ Personality/Abilities ~

Abilities ⇴ First and foremost, Mars embodies anxiety. As he absorbs the anxiety of those around him, he is the purest force of anxiety one can find.

However, this is not the only ability Mars has. He is also able to become a small, cat-shaped shadow so that he can escape from anything efficiently as well as travel very quickly. Mars’ clothes and any other item that isn’t too heavy or big for him to carry can also be transported via shadow travel, which is how Mars runs his delivery service.

Finally, Mars is able to telepathically communicate with others, as he is mute due to his lack of mouth. He cannot read minds, but simply project his words to those around him. This works practically the same as speech, except for the fact that he can choose a specific person to speak to without others hearing if he chooses to do so.

Introvert or Extrovert ⇴ Mars is an absolute introvert, considering he’s literally the embodiment of anxiety.

Personality ⇴ Mars is an extremely anxious, shy, gentle, and sensitive cat. He can often be found hiding in his hoodie and criticizing himself for the smallest and most meaningless mess-ups.

Positive Traits

➻ Gentle

➻ Helpful

➻ Modest

➻ Selfless

Neutral Traits

➻ Self-critical

➻ Sensitive

➻ Obedient

➻ Quiet

➻ Reserved

Negative Traits

➻ Anxious

➻ Antisocial

➻ Delicate

➻ Shy

➻ Vulnerable

Likes ⇴ Rainy days, hot tea, comfortable quiet, hoodies, fluffy blankets, stuffed animals, art, avoiding conversation

Dislikes ⇴ Confrontation, people staring, the feeling of being judged

Wishes & Dreams ⇴

➻ Mars wishes he could stop being the literal embodiment of anxiety, just so that he could see what his true personality is, as much of it is affected by his anxiety.

Secrets ⇴ Mars tends to keep his past with Esadora a secret, as where he comes from, she is considered pure evil and Mars would be shunned from his home if others were to find out about this.

Phobias ⇴ Everything.


~ History ~

Backstory ⇴

Mars was adopted by a cruel witch named Esadora at a young age to serve as a familiar to her. She bestowed his shadow ability upon him, and several months later, she was experimenting on Mars and irreversibly removed his mouth due to a failed spell. He could not speak for the rest of his life as a cat.

However, after several years, Esadora decided to create a spell to turn Mars anthropomorphic and humanlike. This spell also included making Mars feed off of fear, which would result in him becoming a culmination of the fears of everyone around him. This, in the witch’s eyes, would make Mars more useful and a formidable opponent, as he would always desire to cause terror in others. Finally, this hex would allow Mars to telepathically communicate with those around him.

However, as the witch tried three various and rather powerful spells at once, the magic went haywire. Mars still became anthropomorphic, humanlike, and could telepathically communicate, but instead of feeding off of fear, the emotion he would feed off of was anxiety. This practically made him the embodiment of anxiety, as he absorbed the anxiety of all those around him.

After this spell backfiring, Esadora cast Mars out as she no longer saw a purpose for him. He lived on the streets as an anxious little cat for nearly a year until he finally managed to begin a delivery service. With the use of his shadow ability, Mars was able to deliver packages and letters very quickly, as well as efficiently.

Today, Mars happily runs his small delivery service. He has no desire to become the cruel monster Esadora initially planned on him becoming, and he is content with his life.

However, Mars is also aware that his feline brother, Jupiter, was taken in my Esadora just as he was. Instead of being a failed experiment like Mars, Jupiter was turned into the embodiment of cruelty and now serves Esadora.

Relationships ⇴

➻ Esadora; the witch Mars was once the familiar of.

➻ Jupiter; Mars’ brother who now serves Esadora.