1. Navigation (🍍 Tags)



4 years, 8 months ago




important tags


This one is self-explanatory. A lot of my characters are under 18 because I made most of them as a teenager. Please don't draw any NSFW of characters in the minor tag!

#more art blease

This tag is for art games - characters with this tag are who I want to accumulate more art for. If you're here from an art game and you've been sent this link, please stick to drawing characters within this tag. If you're doing an art trade or a gift, consider this tag or #main (see below)


Characters tagged with RP are just that - characters used in RP. These characters are only open to links if you're in the same RP group as them.


Characters tagged with story have their own stories and universes, mostly created when I was young. They are not open to links, as their stories are self-contained.

#pending redesign

Characters that are waiting on a facelift - please refrain from drawing them!! 



Characters in this tag are my closest and dearest characters. I'm always happy to receive art of them or RP with them! They are unavailable to shipping or connections due to their significance.


Characters in this tag are fucking spoiled. I keep buying art of and drawing them. They so do not need any more love but I will be so happy if you draw them.


I have an anthro folder in my Aesthetic OCs folder, but not all my anthro characters are in that folder, so if you want to see all of them, click this tag.


Self-explanatory. Single characters have their orientations tagged. I tend to go for lesbian relationships more than straight but you can try offering a man to a bi girl. 

#oregano oc doughnut steel

these characters definitely aren't based on anything and definitely aren't stolen. they're original characters. do not steal. i will call the fucking cops.
50 points if you know where i stole duncan and joakim from bye


These characters were given to me generously by usually good friends! Please check them out and support them ♥

random/joke tags


A response to yukicole02 making a #lesbians tag for me, I created a tab for my scant few heterosexual characters. This tag is for heterosexuals, not bi people in heterosexual relationships! If you don't like lesbians and want some straight people to draw, please consider leaving my profile!


A tag for characters who are food themed. I love food themes and I am obsessed and I want  m o r e.

#for esme

I love round boy and I would do anything for him. These are his kitties. No touchy.


Boys and butches. I made this tag not because I wanted to separate them out, but because I suspected they might all be blue and red. Well. Gaze upon my shame.

requested tags


A tag I made for Nonnavlis , it's just all my lovely ladies who fit the ladyprince archetype. They're not boys! Just dashing women ♥


Another tag for Nonnavlis , all my demon girls!! I don't think I have demon boys, come to think, uhhhh...


Tag for @Purrdri , of all my characters who contain purple. And Jake. I don't think they've noticed him yet.


Another tag for @purrdri , all my milves. Great tag to determine who to draw NSFW of.

"tag my favourites!"

#sugar jar for @sugarfever , #rai-chuu for Blossomfall (also doubles as a dragon tag). youre welcome.

68ada69e4b52168fec7349dd1d948af644e15e12art by PumpkinCatCarnival