4LeafRose's Bulletins

Artfight time

Posted 3 days, 13 hours ago by 4LeafRose


4 Votes ARTFIGHT!!!!
0 Votes artfight?
0 Votes art...fight.... :'(

It's that time of year again :) Also, doing a hitlist for the first time just for fun~ Gimme your profiles and hitlists too if you want



Questions borrowed from Here


5 years as of this year~


Somehow i have been on the winning team every year since joining qwq. I'm not even that competitive! Other team members just been carrying me i guess 


Probably Sugar vs Spice but my favorite color scheme was Werewolf vs Vampire!


Heart vs Soul was my number 1 pick. I also like Seafoam vs Stardust and Fossil vs Crystal! If it's heart/soul I'll be doing my first ever team switch and turn traitor. Otherwise Stardust and fossil all the way 💕

- Friendly fire? 
Only when attacked first!
- Revenges? 
I prioritize this!
- Chains? No, due to limited time, sorry!
- Know who you will attack first? 
Probably some of last year's revenge I never got to


Character interactions are really cool! Or even just a single oc doing something that relates to their story/personality!


About a 7? I will be volunteering my time this summer to help out with an art program for kids at my church. That, combined with work and social activities will have me very busy! Regardless, i am obsessed with artfight so every spar moment will be devoted to attacks~

Leaving Instagram/fb/etc.

Posted 4 days, 20 hours ago by 4LeafRose

It seems art is not safe anywhere these days so I've made the decision to leave troublesome ai-happy platforms such as instagram, fb, and Deviantart ^^; I will be removing my art first and then try to find some other places to move to. I've always been more active on toyhou.se so it's not too big of a hit but still very disappointing. Might try Cara? Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions about this site or others?

Anywho, i will not put up with art theft at any capacity and will not hesitate to drop off the face of the earth if it means my art will be protected :] 

I hope you all have a lovely day, and may your art be safe from ai 💖 

Activity Update

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by 4LeafRose

Heyo! 👋 I feel like it's been a hot minute since i was real, so i thought I'd give a quick update.

For the last several months, I've been having some health issues that have affected my interactions and activity on and offline. I've also been in a severe art-burnout, which has not helped. While I'm recovering, I won't be taking any new commissions, art trades, etc. I'll be focused on getting the last of my owed commissions finished and then doing art for myself again.

It's been too long since i allowed myself to enjoy my own art without feeling guilty or pressured for not drawing as a side-hussle. While i DO want to make a living with my art someday, I need to re-evaluate How i want to do that. I would love to branch out and try other things instead of being boxed into one product like some kind of machine. This is not to rant about my experiences with others in my commissions and i am very grateful to everyone who has commissioned me! 💕 This is just something I'm finding out about myself and what makes me happy. I may get back into commissions in the future after I've had time to rest, but i'll be limiting them to what i can handle at the time.

Coming back to the main issue, because of everything going on in my life right now I have been more easily distracted and forgetful, especially with replies. If you message or comment and don't get a response from me within a week, PLEASE comment again as a reminder! I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and apologize if anyone was accidentally ghosted qwq 

Mass freebie purge (closed)

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by 4LeafRose

I'm struggling with connections and need to let go so that I can focus on ocs that I actually want/use qwq I saw someone else try this and I'm not having much luck with my ota purge so giving it a try~

Must read everything below!


•These are Not fcfs! I'm still tentative with many of these ocs and might just decide to keep them. Please do not harass or get upset if I don't give you a character. I am also still more likely to accept oc trades and art for them.

•Please include a reason why you want the character! What are you going to use them for?

•3 month cooldown! If you don't think you will keep them for at least three months, don't ask for them!

•No trading/selling. Only regifting

•No limit to how many ocs you can request.

•Please include the toyhouse you want them sent to in your comment.

•any folders not found through the links below are offlimits.

Normal freebie folder

Wip folder

Shop folder

Secondary folders

edit: tysm to everyone for helping me rehome ocs! I've been able to rehome 25+ so far and it's already helped me feel less cluttered. I really appreciate the help 🙇‍♀️💕

Edit 2:  closing the primaries folder. Tysm again to everyone who has written/offered for them and I'm sorry if you didn't get the oc you wanted! I'll be putting some of them in the sales folder and keeping the rest.

V-day adopt interest check? + update

Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by 4LeafRose


0 Votes Interested in the first
1 Votes Interested in the second
1 Votes Interested in the finished one on the bottom~
1 Votes Generally interested
1 Votes Nah, have fun designing though❤️

Working through some severe burnout right now and trying to get myself back into enjoying art again. I've been exploring skintones lately which has been fabulous. I'd like to make an oc for every color, shade, and saturation on the color wheel.... buut for now I'm going to stick with the easier challenge.. That is finishing this lil batch of designs before Valentine's day. 


Do i think i will finish it in time? No, not really considering i started feb 3rd and i only have 1 'n a half finished. 

Will they actually be adopts? With my track record,  yeah no, I'll probably get attached and yoink em.

But anyway, let me know if you are interested in these or if you have any suggestions for the others.

Faq / Boundaries

Posted 4 months, 13 days ago by 4LeafRose

General Interactions 
Regarding toyhouse/social interactions

How to contact
  • I am most active on toyhou.se and can be easily reached here. Sometimes it may take a few days for me to respond to a comment. If I do not respond after a week, it's possible that I forgot or am very busy. If it's important, feel free to send me a reminder.
  • Commenting on my profile or on one of my ocs is the best way to talk to me for casual interactions. Please DO NOT dm me if we don't know each other just to say hi. It makes me uncomfortable.
  • Please do dm me for commissions, private/sensitive matters, or concerns.
  • Since toyhou.se dms isn't the most ideal for discussing coms, I can give you my Discord if preferred.
  • I don't give out my Discord outside of commissions and friends since it's the only place I get notification pings.
Requests & Art Trades
  • I do Not take requests. I may occasionally offer free art but please don't ask.
  • Art trades are only open when advertised.
Do you take offers on your characters?
  • If they are explicitly ufo, they will be in This Folder. If not, you are still welcome to ask, I won't bite!
  • Please note that anyone tagged "Foreverhome" is literal. They are my permanent characters.
  • Anyone tagged "Offlimits"is not taking offers at the moment but you can always ask to be pinged if I lose connection~
  • Please be polite if I do not accept your offer. I will block you if you are hateful or rude
  • Yes! I am more than happy ping you if I start taking offers on a particular character. If you would like to be pinged, please leave a comment on the oc's profile so I don't forget!
  • Need to ping me? Of course! I don't mind being pinged at all! Feel free to ping me for extra tickets in raffles, cs events, adopts, etc. I only ask that we are mutuals or that I have shown interest in that specific oc before.
Co-owns and linking ocs
  • I don't do co-owns anymore except for close friends. Please don't ask.
  •  I rarely link ocs but you're welcome to ask if we are mutuals.
Favorites spam/Dreamie folder
  • I love getting fav spams! It's so fun when a character that you appreciate is appreciated by others too!
  • You are welcome to add any of my ocs to dreamie folders~

Character/Art Boundaries
Regarding my characters and art

Can I use your art/designs for inspiration?
  • You may reference my art for pose, anatomy, colors, and even style if you wish. I'm really not worried about anyone "copying" my style. Please just don't trace my art and be sure to use your own characters.
  • I'd rather you not intentionally use my designs for inspiration because my ocs mean a lot to me. Coincidental similarities are bound to happen though as long as it's not intentional. It's totally cool if you want to use the same color palette or moodboard! I don't own the rights to your creativity and I won't try to control what you make. Just don't try to take what is mine~
  • Not every artwork on my ocs is drawn by me, so please be courteous to the other artists wishes. They may not want you to reference their art for any reason.
Adopted designs
  • I buy/trade adopts as a stress relieving activity. Even if your tos allows for commercial use, I will only use adopted ocs for personal use.
  • Crediting is very important to me! If you see an uncredited character or art and you know who the artist is, please let me know! I will be so grateful!
  • I try not to sell a character for more than I paid unless I'm selling them with additional art! For ocs I got through trade/art, I will only consider trade/art unless I've added art.
  • If you are worried that I am not 'properly using' my ocs, don't bother. When I don't feel I am giving a character enough love, I will find them a more suitable home.
  • While I do try to make sure every oc on my profile has a written or artistic purpose, some of my ocs don't have any purpose except to bring me joy when I look at them, and I'm OK with that.
  • Please contact me if you are a creator of one of my adopted characters and you have any formal complaints or concerns! Ex. If I'm being dumb and accidentally break a rule on your character tos. (Or just anything really! Could be a friendly conversation about the character~ I'd love that!)
 Character boundaries ⚠️
  • Do not kin as, copy, steal, rp as, use, etc my characters in any way/shape/form.
  • do not take direct traits from my characters. this includes using one or multiple key features that would make our ocs look similar.
Art boundaries ⚠️
  • Do not copy, steal, use, etc my art in any way/shape/form.
  • do not replicate, redistribute, or sell my art.
  • DO NOT use my art as an nft or put into an AI software.
  • My full TOS can be found Here.

Warnings & Blocks
Please be safe out there!

Warnings for your safety 
  • I do my very best to always censor and/or put the appropriate warnings on images and oc profiles! That being said, I still want to give you a heads up about what can be found on my profile if you're new or unsure. I am an adult and while I Do Not post sexual content of any kind, some of my ocs may include dark themes. Again, I use profile Warnings on ocs with the content below.
  • Note: Most of my ocs do not contain any of this content at all. Only a small minority.
My ocs may contain: ⚠️
  • Trauma, depression, anxiety, death, animal death, murder, mutilation, suicidal thoughts, scars, self harm, abuse, gun violence, bug.
  • Some profiles may not have warnings if it's only the images that need censoring. In this case the images will be censored. I censor: Gore, blood, nudity (doll nudity, non-explicit).
why am i blocked?  ⚠️
  • I can be quite reasonable but if you make me uncomfortable, are rude, hateful, harassing, or demanding, I can and will block you for my own mental health.
  • Known art thieves, tos breakers, tracers, and the like will be blocked even without any firsthand interaction.
  • I may also block or mute people who post dramatic, sensitive, or triggering content if it makes me uncomfortable so please don't feel bad if this happens to you.
  • Please also be aware of your own dni when you interact with me. If you interact with me first and then I see your dni includes my race, religion, or beliefs, I will not respond and possibly block you.
  • Other reasons I may block you include: (spoilered for triggering content)
    • Su!c!de mentions without warning, kys jokes/threats, su!c!de jokes.
    • Shipping minors with adults. Sexualizing minors
    • Domestic abuse mentions without warning
    • Excessive nsfw content and suggestive content. Not filtering images with nsfw/nudity.
    • Obsessive swearing 
    • Roleplaying as an interaction with me without prior notice. 

Last updated 4/20/24

I know the next artfight is still many months away but I like to clean up my account and have it ready in advance 👉👈 It's a fun pass time and makes it so that I don't have to rush or worry about anything once we hit May/June. Also, who's to say when Artfight might start occurring twice a year? 👀 Better to be prepared ~

Here is my current roster: https://artfight.net/~4LeafRose/characters?page=1

I'm looking to add and take away characters so that there are not too many up. If you don't mind, please suggest who you'd like to stay or who you don't think make the cut? This is all for fun so please don't think you're going to hurt my feelings! I'm curious to know who you're interested and not interested in. Also, I am genuinely not expecting anyone who comments to attack me during artfight! Just looking for random opinions👌

Here are the ones currently hidden: Do you think I should unhide any?








These are some of the characters I'm thinking about adding:


























If you want, you can leave some of your own characters, af links, etc. that goes along with this! 

Silly Wishlist poll

Posted 8 months, 6 days ago by 4LeafRose

OC wishlist or bulletin wishlist?

2 Votes Bulletin
3 Votes Oc
1 Votes Neutral

What's better in your opinion? I have a wishlist that I regularly use and link in a toyhou.se bulletin but would it be better to make it an oc profile?

Pros to switching:

  • Can advertise oc for people to comment their ocs/customs 
  • Can organize with tabs making list less bulky
  • Easier to share in comments by linking ic
  • Can add images to a gallery for references
  • Change is fun yay~

Cons to switching:

  • Another oc profile to clog up my profile and make my Character count look higher than it actually is.
  • Will likely spend more money if more people know it exists (bad for budget)
  • Too much attention to the fact that I spend money on ocs, turning myself into a target for aggressive sellers.
  • Tabs might be too much work for people to look through, resulting in most of the list being ignored/looked over
  • Change is bad grrr!

Pokemon adopts+ocs Discord server

Posted 9 months, 23 days ago by 4LeafRose

I found this server that I've been needing but it literally just started up and I need peeps to come join it with me https://discord.gg/BGQ93zmjGs

There's also spots to chit chat about Pokemon gaming, art, and ocs so if you like Pokemon at all, please come and be my friend 🙏