✧— Willow Price



4 years, 8 months ago


"I'm on the battlefield like oh my god!"

Name Willow
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Human


  • Skateboards
  • Adventures
  • Coffee
  • Cuddles


  • Umbrella Corporation
  • Bullies
  • High heels
  • Rainy days

Energetic . Observant . Rebellious

Born in a family of 3 and as the youngest one, Willow is a girl who loves to get along with people, is  a rebellious gal, such a savage dude and sometimes can get into fights if something bad happens. She's part of the BSAA, A organization that works together in missions saving people. Willow is a police-woman and an agent who as said works with the BSAA, she wants to stops Umbrella corporation for a god damn reason that they're ruining their world with their fucking creatures.

Willow loves skateboarding, guns and go out at night for walks with her shepherd dog Buster. For some reason she likes all type of clothes with military themes, like the famous stamp with greens, Willow loves it! This girl has good skills with anything related as physical fights, she's good at shooting also and using her knife but her skills are better at fighting with her knife mostly.

She lived almost all her life in the forest with her older brothers where she and them had so much fun, Willow's childhood was a good one, but when Umbrella Corporation started working again with their virus, at around 17 she decided to be part of the BSAA and help them stop Umbrella, Willow didn't like the idea of those creatures walking freely around the world and making a disaster.

Fun fact: She's bisexual but tends to girls, Willow had a relationship with a BSAA boy when she started studying but they didn't end up well.

Voice Claim: Ellise

HTML by lowkeywicked