


4 years, 8 months ago


OH The pointy white on the hat are horns! not part of the ear!

A sort of magician, travels around and messes up with unfortunate people using his magic, have you seen magic man from adventure time? close enough to the idea just less crazy and sad

Do! not! touch! if! you! like! your! guts! inside! you!

Chaotic bastard, will do tricks if he's bored (Usually to piss people) He's not specially bad he just enjoys chaos and doesn't have a moral compass, he is curious so he's always observing people and deciding if he likes them or not. Sometimes can get childish and throw tantrums if something bothers him, which leads to more chaotic and dangerous scenarios... So it's kind of risky to even meet him honestly

Strangely enough if he likes you he may grant you a gift/wish!

Mask never comes out, he doesn't needs to eat or drink water but sometimes enjoys smelling things? Does he... does he even have a face?? such a weirdo! He can walk on fours, twos or just lazily float around (not to mention he can teleport anywhere anyways). Arms are made of who knows what? if he wants to or if he's running low on magic energy they'll just dissapear

Doesn't talks but you can hear some kind of wind-like or really low purr kind of sound if you listen quietly!

He's extremely attached to his hat and scarf