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4 years, 8 months ago



"They made me into a weapon and told me to find peace."

NAMEMaeve DuirnรญnALIASAngel Of Darkness, Black Angel
AGE40 years oldHEIGHT6'5" [Formely] 7'3" [Currently]
GENDERFemaleSPECIESManed wolf [Formerly] Dragon/Vulture [Currently]
ย [Playlist]

Maeve was born in a normal, middle class family. Ever since she was young, she loved sciences and genetics, collecting bugs and various other specimens in jars.

As she grew up, Maeve was hungry for more. She began studying genetics at a very young age, learning all about DNA and trying to find ways to alter it. Behind closed doors, the woman began experimenting on people and dead subjects illegally, and one of her test resulted in making her able to make a female pregnant without the use of a male. Various other experiments were made, gradually becoming more and more immoral. Eventually, her work was declared illegal publicly, and Maeve could no pursue her researches anymore. She retreated in her personal laboratory in Ireland, where she began testing on herself.

One day, Maeve received a message from a woman named Angela, interested in her studies. They agreed to meet in Ireland to work in Maeve's laboratory. Unknowingly to Angela, the geneticist had been stealing the doctor's work behind her back, using it to pursue her own goals. With the new technology, Maeve successfully impregnated herself, in an attempt to find a way to help Angela too.

Months went by before she finally found out, when Maeve had secretly given birth in her house just a few days ago. Angela, going to the geneticist's house to confront her about being a thief, found Maeve with her newborn daughter. In anger, the doctor offered a deal; if she placed her daughter for adoption, away from her illegal mother, she wouldn't tell, and would overlook the stolen work. Destroyed, Maeve agree. Naming her daughter Bridget, the next day, she was placed for adoption with a personal letter.

Maeve was furious. Using Angela's nanobiology, upgraded by herself, she used it on herself. Changes were almost immediate, and painful. She shed a lot of fur, her skeleton rebuilding itself entirely. With her new form, Maeve decided to get rid of Angela.ย 

About a week later, as the transformations finished happening, Maeve went to her lab to find the doctor. As she was about to attack Angela, the latter's lover, Gabriel, walking in, almost as if on cue. In a fit of blinded rage, Maeve murdered him in cold blood. She snapped back to reality, realizing what she had done. Approaching a sobbing Angela, she proposed necromancy to her, which the doctor refused, chasing Maeve out of the lab to never return.

Depressed in her home, Maeve was visited by a man named Seth. In exchange for her life of services, he offered her necromancy powers. She agreed almost instantly. She went to revive Gabriel, before going back to her empty laboratory and began new work with her new powers.

Maeve is a bit of a tricky woman. She is mostly out of herself; her life is dedicated to her studies and researches, and her morals are crushed on her path to success. She doesn't care about teaming with anyone people would consider 'evil' if they can help us reach her goals. Aside of her profession, she's sarcastic and snarky, friendly in her own way. She doesn't actually seek harm to people aside from her experiments and tests, and is mostly around to pester her associates and 'friends'. She loves to test on people, but if necessary, she will test on herself without second thought. Maeve is not really scared of much, and especially not to push her limits. She dreams big, and is confident she can achieve anything, and will not give up at all. Due to this, she easily makes rivals, but is quick to dispose of them as she usually is smarter than all of them, and not afraid to go over boundaries that people would consider immoral.

Her weak spot is bunnies, though.

  • Her workplace is often warm, due to her getting cold easily;
  • She hates to dress girly, and loves to wear a tie;
  • Her native language is Gaelic, although she is entirely fluent in English;
  • She has high alcohol tolerance. Irish and all;
  • She loves anime;
  • She gives pet names to almost everyone;
  • She always has a voice in the back of her head telling her not to go through with something that goes against morals, but she always push it aside for science;
  • She can, and often, unhealthily fuels herself on coffee;
  • She also often mixes it with energy drinks;


ใ€ ANGELA HEILEN ใ€‘โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†

[ rival ] Having worked together in the past, they developed a rivalry due to Maeve hating Angela's moral superiority. They always tried to one-up each other, even using Angela's technology. She started taking a liking in teasing her, often distracting Angela from her work or things as such. Maeve only started hating Angela when she revealed her secret, causing her to abandon her daughter; from then, the two had a personal war between them. Despite this, Maeve still acknowledges Angela's intelligence and can admit her great work, often doing so directly at her to confuse her rival.

ใ€ BRIDGET O'DEORAIN ใ€‘โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

[ daughter ] Having to give up her newborn broke her heart. Despite not being able to care for her and being completely unaware of her whereabouts, Maeve still cares deeply for her daughter and wishes she is doing great out there. Even though, deep down, she wants to see Bridget again, Maeve does everything she can to erase her tracks so Bridget cannot find her, nor Maeve being able to find Bridget. On purpose, Maeve called her daughter Bridget to mean "power, strength, vigor, virtue", and due to having to give her up, meaning "exalted one".

ใ€ CHARACTER NAME ใ€‘โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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