


4 years, 8 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Lady Faliyka
    • Relationship Status Taken
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Princess/Herbalist
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Twenty Five
    • Species Nelkive


    Faliyka is an anthropomorphic creature, standing on hind legs with talon-like feet. With a body covered in black and white fur, demonic wings and frill ears, she stands out among her adoptive family of Kosian and Demons. She also has a large, fan-like tail in the shape of a flame and long claws. Bone spikes protrude from her shoulders, hips and forehead, with a unique oval gemstone sitting in the middle of her head. Coming from the top, she has a pair of black horns. Her two piece outfit is made entirely from leaves, decorated by feathers and bringing a little colour to her black and white appearance.


    • BUILD Slender but fit

    • FOOD Cherries
    • COLOUR Pink
    • ANIMAL Griffins
    • SETTING The forest
    • WEATHER Cool weather
    • DRINK Water
    • NUMBER Twenty Six
    • GENRE Action adventure
    • ACTIVITY Collecting things
    • TIME OF DAY Dusk


    • Nature
    • Her family
    • Being accepted for who she is


    • Dishonesty and betrayal
    • Feeling alone
    • Bright lights


    • Crafting things
    • Helping people
    • Collecting herbs and various plants

    Faliyka is a strong and very brave girl, who always felt she never truly belonged. Living apart from her own kind in an adoptive family makes her feel alone at times, but she has grown to accept her life. She knows that despite their differences, her new family accepts who and what she is. Faliyka is very open about her feelings and thoughts, not feeling the need to hide anything from others. She is honest and very hard working, striving to do her best everyday.


    • Strong and brave
    • Honest and open
    • Hard working


    • Sensitive
    • Harsh sunlight
    • Painful premonitions


    Faliyka is an honest and hardworking individual who feels a little out of place among her family. This is understandable, however, as she is in an adoptive family surrounded by Demon Kosian hybrids. As she feels like she does not quite belong, she wants to find a guy unique like her, someone who understands the struggles of being different. The one thing she wishes for is to settle down with a guy who will always stand by her. She just wants a beautiful family of her own, while also helping her parents and siblings to the best of her abilities.


    • Bushfires
    • Losing her sight
    • Losing her family


    • Takes things to heart
    • Risking her life for strangers
    • Hesitates a bit, especially in battle


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Open, honest and to the point
    • COMMON STARTER “Hello, how do you do?”
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Gestures a lot with her hands as she talks
  • Species

    [ Nelkive ] These unique anthropomorphic creatures are only found on more primal planets and hatch from eggs similar to birds or reptiles. They have draconic wings and frill-like ears, but have a face that more resembles a bat. Their black and white colouring helps them to blend into the dark and while they may be herbivores, they a large, fan-like tail, long claws and talons for feet. This is to help them defend themselves from any possible predators. They also have bone-like spikes that protrude from their shoulders, hips and forehead, as well as a set of small black horns upon their head. This is to give them a more scary appearance. The bone protrusions on the forehead frame a unique oval gemstone, which is what gives them their power. They can absorb magic into it as well as expel it. With their unique blue and gold eyes, they are also able to have premonitions akin to a Shaman, only it is not usually in their control.


    Faliyka is a skilled fighter with claws, bone-like spikes that protrude from her body and a large fan-like tail which she can easily use as her weapons. She, however, would much rather not resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. She also has a large set of wings, which allow her to fly rather well. Using the unique oval gemstone in the middle of her forehead, she can absorb magic as well as expel it. She can also have premonitions, but it is not usually in her control. It is also extremely painful, only able to be soothed by a rare type of plant, which omits a scent she finds relaxing.

  • History

    Faliyka is the first adopted child to Aradia’s royal family. Yisenda and Cyriss found her as just an egg, taken from her nest, her family slaughtered. A group of people from another planet, dressed in strange attire, were now in possession of the egg, planning on taking it back to their world, Calizen, to sell on the black market. Their mission ended poorly for them, as they were no match for the primal people living here. After taking the egg back to their home, Yisenda and Cyriss took great care of it, making sure that it hatched properly despite what had happened with the Calizen invaders. They named the little hatchling Faliyka and she now lives with them and her siblings on Quiharo Island, residing in their grand castle.


    Faliyka was born in The Colossal Peaks. The Colossal Peaks is known as Aradia’s most tallest and treacherous mountains. The creatures that live here are either great mountain climbers or large flying beasts unlike any other, which makes this place dangerous, but still not as deadly as others. The Verdict Caves and the Cave of Solitude are also located in these peaks, the first to the left and the second to the right, yet no one goes in them without good reason, for they hold many mysteries and untold danger. While this was where Faliyka was born, she was just an egg at the time, stationary in a nest until she was taken by outsiders. This means she has absolutely no memory of her birthplace or her family.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Faliyka lives in a castle made from gold, named Yisenda’s Castle of Hope, as it is her adoptive mothers home. It is the one and only castle on the surface, yet was a more recent addition to the planet. It was given to Yisenda when her parents thought it was time for her to follow in their footsteps and have a castle of her own. It is just her, her parents and her siblings living here, yet Yisenda constantly invites people to stay for as long as they need. Strangers and friends, lost, scared and those without a home of their own often come and go from here. Faliyka lives here with her parents and siblings, often helping out her parents the best she can.

  • Ancestry

    • Faliyka’s ancestry is a complete mystery to even her adoptive parents, she was just an egg when they saved her from people who did not belong


    • Sometimes feels out of place/alone among her adoptive family
    • Keeps some of the premonitions she has secret


    • Originally, Faliyka’s family consisted of Yisenda, Cyriss and 9 siblings, 10 children altogether, half of which were adopted
    • Faliyka’s premonitions are so powerful and painful that only a special Aradian plant can sooth her migraines
    • When she was just an egg, she was taken from the nest by outsiders, people from the planet, Calizen