ᵒᶻ Ravenous



7 years, 9 months ago




While he may don the appearance of a common elf, Raven is one of the very few members of the Dark Elf species. Like common elves, they are well known for their enhanced healing, which is typically about eight times the rate of other species. Unlike common elves, however, they Dark Elves are set apart in that they possess a special hereditary iris color restricted to their species alone. While the irises will appear to be a magenta hue to others with no prior knowledge, this color is actually nonexistent in the visible light spectrum.

To further elaborate on much vied-after characteristics, Raven’s blood contains high dosages of mercury. His body has accepted the heavy metal and grown resistant to its fatal properties, but the mercury is still very deadly to everyone else. This combination of his rare lineage and biological traits have resulted in many misfortunes in his childhood.

These experiences include emotional and physical trauma; in particular, his legs were amputated at a very young age so his captors could conduct war-specific biochemical experiments. Raven may no longer be under the forced custody of the scientists, but they are still searching avidly for him for further experimentation purposes.

As a means to escape his traumatic past, Raven bleached his originally dark hair to a pale pink hue, and does his utmost to avoid speaking about his childhood experiences. He continues this dyeing process regularly so as to not garner unwanted attention towards his true identity. Despite these attempts to appear relatively normal, however, he still has high levels of intense paranoia and suffers from frequent periods of psychosis.

Personal struggles with his identity and past have made him especially difficult to interact with on a regular basis. Highly emotional and unstable, he is a live-wire to anyone not equipped with proper knowledge on how to interact with him. The only individuals who have been able to tolerate him are his partners: Hilde and Vivi.

As he has never experienced a steady relationship with anyone, he has developed a very emotionally visceral and uncontrollable manner of expressing his myopic devotion. To Hilde, he often attempts to sever his own fingers and offer them up as food. These self-destructive tendencies are not restricted to his fingers; Raven also bears a terrifying wealth of scars all over his body, clustered mainly over his arms. While some of these scars are painful reminders of the laboratory he was once imprisoned in, many of them are also self-inflicted wounds.

Among others who know nothing about his true self and trauma, Raven appears to be very charismatic, if not a little bit unpredictable. He is quite popular with hunters as he regularly offers sexual services, and his masochistic streak attracts much attention to individuals vested with those particular interests.

To those he sleeps around with often, he may seem to be very detached, fickle, and iffy-at-best with the concept of commitment and stability. This is very untrue, however, as he is realistically quite desperate for affection and love.


  • Birthday: June 25th
  • What does he even like

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