


4 years, 5 months ago


Story wip, preserving the old one for now

the harvester.

once a year, on no set date, it comes to reap the bodies of the dead ( sometimes the living ) for their organs. There is no known reason for this, but some say for the deceased it is like the cleansing of a blockage from their carcass that prevented the soul from leaving to the astral realm.

When it comes to the living? No one understands why, maybe it harvests those that were due to die a while ago and still havent, but they are no grim reaper. [ would usually ’harvest’ the people in their sleep ]

the inner part of its ‘cape’ is made up with a mix of intestines and flesh-like tentacles, so it is hard to decipher what is organ and what is not. [ but it’s arguable that the tentacle is an organ of sorts too, since it apparently has digestive properties ]

I can say this now that I own her again. This design was a real big inspo for Oblivion's design.
The intestine tentacles haunted my dreams as the sort of feature that'd be great on an evil god lol